Universal Life Church

Online sermons, Sunday school and other interesting readings.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Universal Life Church

Universal Life Church - Rev. Jesse L. Hoog bio:
When I was a little boy I always said I wanted to be a minister. It was always my dream, it seemed to nag at my inner soul and would never completely leave. On Aug. 23, 2007 it hit me that this was my calling and possibly my life's destiny, after all I was 21, no school, or any job I ever had seemed right, so I contacted Amy at the Universal Life Church Seminary and God and I made it happen! My family has a very long line of Ministers and all are/was God fearing people on both side's and all of a very diverse background and a variety of religions. 

Starting on my dad's side, his father Amos Hoog was a ordained Church of God Holiness Minister, I never had the pleasure in hearing him preach or his views, for I was barely 2 when he died, but I do know, he did many good things, the way God would have wanted it. His wife (my grandma) Alice Ledbetter Hoog was an ordained and active Four Square Minister, she even founded the first Four Square Church in the Joplin, Missouri area near Stapleton Village. In her life she had attended L.I.F.E Bible College in Los Angeles, Ca. and Oral Roberts In Tulsa, Ok. 
She never lost her faith in God and she even smiled while dying of cancer and said that God had his reasons for everything, she never blamed God or lost faith! Also on my dad's side of the family, his mom's (Alice) father George W. Ledbetter was an ordained and active Southern Baptist and a police Chaplain for the Wichita, Ks. Police Dept. My dad himself, Robert D. Hoog Sr. is an ordained Non-Denominational, he does not practice as a minister but he has always ministered to people through music for the Lord gave him a powerful voice that even helped him to overcome a speech impairment and to graduate high school. Alot of people have even said that I was gave his musical talents. Let's switch sides now to my mom's family. Her father Jack L. Vinyard was an ordained Non-Denominational Minister, he never lead a congregation of his own, but his love for God was none the less! 
He maintained his faith through the Korean War and even had his shoulder shot off and re-attached and never blamed God!  Instead he told all back home how he and his platoon had saw Jesus save them! He taught all of his grandkids that no matter the sins of your past, that he and God shared the same belief; forgiveness and that he and God loves all his children. When time came for him to live in eternity with his son he missed so badly and God he never shed one tear of pain and talked about the man who was coming to see him in his room. 
The night he left we all saw from across the street a man in his room, we believe that man was Jesus or his son Jackie. Now that's about all the ministers in my family but to be very honest, all my family has a strong devotion for God. My mom is a Pentecostal from the P to the L so to speak and her mom was just a down right bred in the blood Christian. My brother is a Universal Life Church Minister the same as I, he is even the one who made me aware of the church's existence.

I guess to break down what actually I am, is a Pentecostal, Four Square and Nazarene Jesus freak! As of now I am just starting out, so my studies come first, for it says; "Study to show yourself approved unto God." 2 Timothy 2:15. So I haven't really performed any services as of now. When I was younger though before the ministry, my grandma Jennie S. Vinyard had a heart attack on her farm south of Joplin, Mo, she went for some time with no oxygen, while my dad gave her mouth to mouth to keep her alive. When she arrived at the hospital they told us she had brain damage and would probably never wake up, so with my family's urging and my grandma's believing in my power of prayer, I took her hand in the hospital and told her, "Grandma it's Jesse I'm going to pray with you now and when I'm done you wake up, OK?" So all in the room bowed their heads and I prayed to God with all my heart and when I was done I said, "Grandma wake up now, I did my part." Sure enough there was her eyes wide open and that day even the doctor cried. Though she was a bit incoherent we all enjoyed four more wonderful years with her. So I suppose that's my only performance as of now. 
I truly believe that becoming a part of the Universal Life Church has strengthened me and my faith in God. It has also made me better at forgiving and walking away from a conflict rather than using anger! Just as soon as my classes are through the seminary are finished, I plan to become a full time minister, as well as be a police chaplain. Well I guess to close up this page in my life in this book of fine minister's, I will tell you all a story that happened when I was homeless. I was around twelve and homeless in my hometown of Joplin, Missouri. We were hungry and broke so we went to the local Salvation Army when we had no money for food. Outside the building on a super hot July or August day a homeless man had no shirt or shoes on his skinny body, had went there for some help. 

Rather than helping him with clothes as he obviously needed they wouldn't let him in there for food or clothes but they took him a plate and made him stay in the hot alley. The plate of food looked like they was feeding a dog and it really upset me. My family and I was eating in the car. He went to go in the place to ask for more and they pushed him back out and told him NO! I got so upset at them I could of bit a bullet in two for there was only about five others there for supper and they were about to close so quantity shouldn't have been an issue. I said to the man, "Wait a minute" and I ran in there and asked them for food to take home to my brother. They gave me three buckets of food and I went outside. I gave that guy seconds on food and took off my shirt I was wearing and gave it to him. I told him, "God Loves You!" 
And before leaving he asked my mom for a cigarette and my Mom gave him one and he lit it but he never took one drag of it not once! He rode off and we pulled off to ask him if he needed a ride cause after all he was on a bike and it was very hot. When we turned the corner he wasn't there, he wasn't even a half block away when we took off. He was just totally gone when we got up there where he had turned just seconds before. I think it was a test of God that he was an Angel!  Thank you all for reading my page. I pray it has been pleasing to you all and some how inspired you!

Thanks and God Bless you,
Rev. Jesse L. Hoog


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Spiritual Ordination

Spiritual Ordination through Universal Life ChurchI have been spiritual all of my life. I do not mean I was a "holy roller" or a "bible thumper". From childhood on I have had visions and visitations and inspirations and manifestations and other phenomina. As I progressed through life and went from difficult childhood up to blissful marriage and mother of three kids then down through the death of my husband; he was 32, I was 29 and kids were 9 (twins) and 7, I lost faith.

I sank into depression and debauchery trying to numb myself or kill myself, never sure which one it was I really achieving. But nevertheless the Lord never lost me, angels came continued to come to my rescue, to get me home safely, to keep my kids safe.

Then one day I was floating above my bed with my husband beckoning to me and I KNEW I had to come back, I KNEW I had things to learn and things to do. I hit the bed with a thump and my life changed. Oh, not all rosy and cozy as you may think. On the surface it got worse, I got ill with chronic pain diseases, I gained weight, I lost jobs, I lost my house, I lost my car. But I had God and we were okay. We slowly returned to normal family life, my kids thrived and moved on to have great jobs and good homes.

I turned more and more to spiritual discovery.

The more I learned the more I taught. What I needed to know was dropped in my lap, books opened before me, people appeared in my life to teach me. In turn I became a teacher, I applied to be a mininster in that manner also, I was lead to the site as I was struggling with some decision making. This was an easy decision. I have gotten other credentials since becoming a minister here. But this is "home" to me.

I have had afull life full of distress and adventures and mishaps and sorrows and disease, poverty and riches, happiness and fortune. I have tasted it all and only wish to help others who are in dark places where I have been come into the Light.

Universal Spirit
Rev Elizabeth Hudson


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pagan Ordination

Pagan OrdinationHello Amy,
It was nice to get your newsletter, I always enjoy reading them, and sometimes get some god ideas from them to use.

I have been a practicing Pagan Priest for over 20 years. In that time I have had little trouble with legality issues for Pagan issues. However I was asked to move to Ohio a couple of years ago, and was informed that my status as a Priest was not acceptable for performing weddings etc. Something which I did not know. I began to ask around in the community, and found out I had a great deal in common with Interfaith Ministers as well as Pagan Clergy.

After doing some soul searching, I realized that I could be both, and with that realization I looked for ordainment as a Minister to be able to legally help those in the community both Pagan and Christian as well as other religions. I found the ULC. I have been very happy to be associated with ULC over the past couple of years, and am currently starting a Pagan Church in the Akron Ohio area with some other ULC Ministers whom I have been lucky to meet and befriend.

As for a picture, the following will have to do for now, I have longer hair and more grey in it now, but I still look about the same.

Good luck with this feature and keep the newsletters coming.

Rev. James S. Harper (Jae)


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Becoming a minister

My whole life has been interwoven with the art of healing.  Over 45 years in the comprehensive medical field and now in alternative “energy” medicine as a practitioner and instructor.

Even as a youngster, I would pretend I was a nurse or teacher and dream of working with the sick and the dis-ease process of the body.  My religious background was mixed.  My Roman Catholic grandfather and my Methodist grandmother were very much an influence in my young years.  I married my childhood sweetheart Fred and had two great boys, Fred and Todd.  His career consisted of many corporate transfers resulting in the tasting of many churches and different theological beliefs.  But I always found God wherever I moved.  I learned later, God has always been in my heart and soul and knew me even before I was born.  My healing gifts were given to me and it was my soul’s journey to find my earthly path to use them.

God combined my love for healing and my love for God’s hurting children and gave me a Healing Ministry which I choose to call “Touch of Healing”.  It is the practice of using our hands and heart to do hands-on-healing for family, friends, animals and clients.  It is the same method Jesus used over 2000 years ago.  When I discovered I could get my Bachelor Degree in Energy Medicine, I completed it in Oct. 2007 at age 66. 

I also have a great love for the Native Americans and visit the Navaho and Hopi reservations whenever I can.  We share a love for ceremony and ritual to honor the Great Creator.  To pray the prayers of gratitude for harmony and balance of mother earth and to heal the people and animals who walk the earth.

God’s sense of humor is wonderful.  When I set up my practice, I was told that in Texas we could not “touch” anyone unless we were a massage therapist, a medical professional, or a minister.  I had my degree as a medical professional, but I thought, “I better cover myself against malpractice and become a minister”.  I applied to ULC.  The day…. The very day… that I received my accreditation as a minister…. I had three new clients call.  Guess what?  They all had “spiritual issues” and wanted to see me.  I really had to laugh.  It was as though God said… you got the paper honey, now you will have to step up to the plate and work for it.  I can feel the big smile on God’s face.

I marvel at the framed ULC certification hanging in my office.  How did this all happen?

My dreams as a young child have been fulfilled; I am a missionary for the Lord, and also get to do what I love most.  A Healing practitioner and teacher in Houston, Texas.  What a joy it is to tell my story and to tell how much God loves his children.  Yep, we are God’s kids and Abba loves us.

Rev. Patricia Fleury


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church  and wedding materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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