Universal Life Church

Online sermons, Sunday school and other interesting readings.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remember the Holocaust


We must never forget . . . . .


The prize doesn't always go to the most deserving  


Irena Sendler

There recently was a death of a 98 year-old lady named Irena. During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the WarsawGhetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an 'ulterior motive' ... She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews, (being German.) Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack, (for larger kids..) She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.. During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants. She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely. Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard. After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it and reunited the family. Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.

Last year Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize ... She was not selected.  

Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.  

Powerful message, especially the "cartoon."  Let us never forget

63 years later


Please read the little cartoon carefully, it's powerful. Then read the comments
at the end.
I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message. I hope you'll consider
doing the same.

In Memoriam


 It is now more  than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended This e-mail is  being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the  six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10  million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests  who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned,  starved and humiliated with the German and Russian Peoples looking the other  way!
 Now, more than ever, with Iraq , Iran , and others, claiming the Holocaust to  be 'a myth,' it's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.
 This  e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide!
 Join us and be a link in the  memorial chain and help us distribute it around  the world.
 Please send this e-mail to people you know and ask them to continue  the memorial chain..


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Mystical Christianity

Lesson 22 = Mystical Christianity = Spirituality and Sexuality:
  1. My path of spirituality (the path that eventually chose me not the other way around) is not always the easiest one to follow successfully. Being a good Christian is something which I have to work hard on everyday. Add that to the information about "chakras" and I realize just how unintegrated my life is at this point in time. Unintegrated and unbalanced, more influenced by situations beyond my apparent control than I should be. I pray to be able to thrive in difficult circumstances and recognize my strengths (not to dwell on my short-comings). When the chakras are in balance, your power is more easily tapped into and weaknesses are pushed into the background or just plain eliminated. To return to the Christian aspect because that is important to me = you think passivity is the Christian way? Through prayer (hopefully, this will help to align and balance the Chakras and help along my understanding) I have discovered assertiveness which never existed before and a lot of previously untapped spiritual energy. Some might label it, the "Holy Spirit", the Comforter, whatever it is called; I have called its guidance into my life. I need to work on so much to achieve healthy, positive balance.
  1. Most people's views of sexuality are influenced by up-bringing in one way or another. Families may discourage the topic while other parents display its healthier aspects (to a point of course) in loving, respectful relationships and open, honest discussion. Sexuality, a natural function of the human being can run the gamut from strictly procreative (void of pleasure) to favorite spectator sport (excessive, possibly dangerous (diseased etc.).Somewhere in between is GOOD SEX = freedom, abandonment to your earthly senses, enjoyment and exploration. Sex is always better with someone you trust and can talk to after the fact as old-fashioned as it sounds. Sharing the experience and caring about your partner's needs (if he reciprocates), these things are vital. All of this does not have to occur in a committed relationship or in the context of traditional marriage. I believe that responsibility, trust and love help out a lot but to each their own. Tuning your senses and relaxing to be able to enjoy pleasure are important. Your body responds more readily when physicality and mental attitudes are in sync.
3. Shadow selves are the image that you present to the world, not necessarily what an individual is truly like on the inside. In difficult times, a wrong word thrown into the ring could make a situation worse and as the lesson states, "we should have known better". Our shadow selves make the affront and our inner beings try to remedy it. The trick is balance and if I understand correctly, that's why the Chakras are so important. To be happy in our world, we do need to fine tune each aspect of physical, emotional, spiritual power and set them to work in harmony. I really need a "Chakra for Dummies" handbook because right now, my grand-daughter, an Anime (check out 'Naruto' episodes) fan could explain more about it and even some pretty complicated eastern philosophy! 
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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. 
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Rev. Bryan Rice
      Shamans are common archetypes that have shown up throughout history all over the globe. Originally, shamans, as they are called today, most everywhere, had historical roots in Siberia. Over time, the role that shamans have played, first in tribes and clans, and now, more commonly, in other settings, has solidified and become distinguished from medicine men/women, though they are still called that in some cultures, witch doctors (not so common), priests, (with a distinction between the two titles being more clear in the modern day), and intermediaries. 
            Shamans and priests shared similar duties of healing and performing rituals. As a certified Shamanic Therapy Practitioner, I see the roles as being separate despite performing ceremonies and rituals.  As mentioned in the lesson entitled Shamanism vs. Christianity, there were definite distinctions made between priests and shamans. Though priests are intermediaries in various religions, between creation and God, shamans play a more direct intermediary role, being guided by not only God, but entities such as Archangels, Angels, Spirit guides, and Power Animals. Shamans, one might argue, have one foot in ordinary reality and one foot in non-ordinary reality, a place where shamans journey in a dream-like state, when theta waves have helped to induce an ecstatic trance.  
             Shamans journey for a variety of reasons, whether to heal themselves, others in their communities, or creation. Though priests are healers too, shamans are more reliant on travel through non-ordinary reality of Shamanic Consciousness, in the sense that they retrieve a person's lost power there, find someone's soul fragments there, or gain knowledge of foreign energy intrusions when performing extractions.  They, like priests do perform exorcisms, which are similar to extractions.  Priests may call upon the Holy Spirit if a Christian and invoke angels when they use sacramental healing, but they are more rooted in ordinary reality. 
            Priests and shamans both have magik-like spiritual powers, at least priests of today do, one's who claim to be able to turn bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Shamans "magik"-like abilities are found in their ability that I previously mentioned -  maneuvering through non-ordinary reality, which I must say, consists of an upper world, a middle world, and a lower world. Christendom and shamanic religions differ on their view of the underworld. In shamanism, there is no "hell" or place of torment, nor "a lake of fire".
            Some of Jesus the Christ's healing ministry was very shamanic-like. I must agree with the author of this course, that shamanism, though traditionally thought to be pantheistic, meaning worshipping all of creation, believing that everything is divine, it does and can have a place for a Christian, despite the Old Testament's speaking out against divination, which is part of a shaman's work. Though primarily healers, shaman's if they can in fact fit into the Christian paradigm of the world, would exist on the fringe as prophets, on the edge of society. Keep in mind that most prophets were a threat to institutionalized religion because  they spoke out against the misuse of power in religions. 
     So why shouldn't shamans be allowed to be Christians?  They don't worship the devil, they honor creation, and they too work with spirit-beings and seek the ultimate good for people in their communities. That is what the Christ did. Christian missionary work with indigenous in different countries was similar to witch hunts in dealing with pagans of any kind. But really, if a Christian is honest, paganism in various ways became integrated into early Church practice. 
To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link! 
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Course in Miracles

"Becoming the Channel for the Miracle Maker"
A Final Essay for the Doctor of Metaphysics Course
By Daniel L. Moore
            In the beginning, God created the first couple to reflect God's glory.  The instructor, guided by "The Course of Miracles," believes that sin came about because the Son of God forgot to laugh.  I differ as I am guided by the Holy Scriptures which teaches that sin began in the heart of Lucifer (aka, Satan, the Great Red Dragon, the serpent) who rebelled against God and later came to deceive and destroy humanity.
            That said, I do believe in many of the principles found in the course that help a person to go back to the "original design" of God – to reflect Divine Glory.  It does require a change of thinking for the Christian.  The Apostle Paul often taught the churches that they were to "put off the old man," that is the old way of living in fear, guilt and shame.  They were then encouraged to put on the "new man" which is the character and conduct of a follower of Christ.  It is a new way of life that is grounded in love and fueled by the Holy Spirit.
            In becoming a channel for the "Miracle Maker" (God by way of the Holy Spirit working in each Christian), meditation is a good tool.  From the book of Psalms the reader is instructed:  "Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah" (Psalms 4:4 NKJV).  This puts the focus off of self and then upon God.  This allows one to gain closeness to the Divine and seek out God in fellowship.  In this process, we learn to let go of selfish desires and replace them with divine desires.  In this time of prayer we can grow more in love with God and God's creation.  Note the Apostle Paul wrote about proper desire:
            "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God" (Philippians 1:9-11 NASB).
            We are not created to be aimless robots.   We are created for purpose and thus we should pursue lives of purpose.  Purpose gives direction.  It also requires intentionality.  If I believe my purpose is to create music that pleases others, then I cannot just sit around wishing.  I need to practice and practice and practice.  I need to set aside all distractions and focus.  This requires attention.  A master mechanic becomes one because he or she pays attention – to the big picture and to the small details.  The grandeur of majestic buildings, the paintings that catch life with unique expressions, the song with that tune we cannot shake, and the modern gadgets all around us are the results of the wonderful alchemy of purpose, intention, and attention blending together.
            God had a vision when God created the universe.  As a reflection of Divine glory, we are to be visionary.  This means to look forward.  The past can be a trap if we allow past mistakes to bury ourselves in guilt.  Learn the lessons but forgive the mistakes and sins.  Move one! 
            Channels for God to work miracles through do not work alone.  We are "lone rangers" but a body connected to the Head – Jesus Christ.  Help is offered, should be requested, and to be taken.  Help can come from a friend, a co-worker, a family member, a stranger, and the Holy Spirit.  To be created in the image of the Triune God, a community of Three Persons, is to be created into a community of God's family.  Our greatest help is God.  We sometimes don't like the answers given – but who truly knows best?  God. 
            Miracles can occur when we allow God to work.  This requires following God's instructions.  I met an evangelist who served as a pastor to "shantytown" in lower Mississippi.  His congregation never grew above one hundred.  He did many baptisms a year.  He would go visiting the people and often would ask those living in the shanties, "Do you want to see miracles in your life?"   He would invite them to a Bible study.  He told me, "And they saw miracles.  When they quit smoking and drinking alcohol, they had a miracle – they had money to pay the rent and electric bill.  When they quit doing drugs – another miracle as they could buy groceries!  When they cleaned up and applied for jobs – a miracle!  They were hired.  When they saved money – a miracle!  They were able to buy something without stealing from others.  We saw miracles all the time!"
            The miracles are there.  We just need to adjust ourselves to be the channels for God's blessings, pray for help, become more purposeful, and stand back to watch – another miracle!
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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.
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Monday, October 26, 2009


Rather than begin with telling of my lessons, I would like to bring forth some of my opinions and ideas that may improve the course.

First, I believe that the length of the course should be included in the on-line description along with the mention of a final exam. Also, 20 weeks seems like a long time for this discourse. It may be more beneficial to send the entire course in the form of a booklet and when the individual feels they have had sufficient time to study and grasp the material, then they can notify you and you can administer the essay requirements prior to issuing the certificate of completion. I found that a week between lessons was too long a period for myself to retain information from one class to another. And I found many, many typographical and grammatical errors in the courses. 

Now with that off my chest I would remark that it came as a great surprise the vast information you supplied in regards to Shaman. Regrettably, I was of the incorrect mind set that Shamanism was solely Native American based. I was equally surprised to find that Shamanism was not restricted to just males but rather originated from females. I found it truly remarkable to learn that Shaman exist in almost all countries. I also learned that there were different types of Shaman such as Shaman healers, Shaman, and medicine men and that they are all different but could also be the same. I certainly never expected to learn that Egyptians and Greeks has Shaman.
In all honesty, when I enrolled in this course I was attempting to learn more about Native American Shamanism. I think that a more detailed course should be created along this area of study. I also would like to see more detail of the actual ceremonies performed and the purpose behind each. It was, however, interesting to learn of the different meaning and purposes of the robes and masks and drums that Shaman utilize. I still have questions as to whether a Shaman is someone who has learned the trade, inherited the tradition or was simply born into it. I am curious as to whether Shamanism can, in fact, be learned and applied in today's modern society. So although the course was extremely interesting and informative, there are still many questions that I personally would like to have resolved. I also realize that this may never happen in totality.

Rev. Alan Kelly


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Metaphysical Healing

Master of Metaphysical healing

    First let me say that I am grateful to have this opportunity to be able to partake in the lesson.

    It is understandable how throughout the ages humans have lived in fear of what they do not understand. The practice of any type of healing is as old and intriguing as the universe itself. From the first person to figure out what plant caused what reaction to the hands on faith works of today.

     Slowly ideals of what is traditional for healing are changing. Sadly a lot of the indigenous tribes which have practiced traditional healing for their entire existence are slowly disappearing due to modern progress.

    It is uplifting and a blessing that there are some individuals that have the awareness that all things are connected and that modern medicine and traditional medicine can co-exist. I find it interesting that no matter how you examine true healing, it is all a matter of spirituality.

    It is important that any healer have a base knowledge of body function to help assess any treatment. However it is imperative that that healer also have a secure understanding that the soul and spirit must be treated as well.
In treating the spirit and body we can use many different methods from hands on to spirit quests, oils and aromas, even working with energy fields. I think that the most important here is that the healer has to make the spirit and physical connection of the one in need of healing. They have to make that connection for both to receive that divine energy.

     There is also another faucet to this healing triad. Let us not forget the mental aspect. Sometimes it is not always physical. Healing is also about breaking old behaviors and self destructive patterns and helping secure a spiritual connection.

It may have to go as deep as a life recall in order to understand the damages so the healing process can begin or the process may be as simple as stating some loving, healing and some type of positive affirmations each day.

    With all the things that happen in the medical world these days, it becomes ever troublesome to find some one to trust. This is even harder for those in the fields of Natural Healing. I truly find it appalling that some one would take such a divine gift and cause harm or give false practice.

I believe that in order to respectfully assist any one in the healing process you need to make sure that they are open fully to the experience. Be certain that you have knowledge of any prior treatments, both traditional and medical. I also feel that it is imperative that you get as much back ground information (fears, traumas, etc) as they are comfortable in giving. It is my thought that you can not fully treat the person if you do not understand why they came to you in the first place.

    I feel that any one making a conscious decision to pursue this path has a strict moral and spiritual obligation to adhere to the Healers Oath.

Many Blessings
Ed Click


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Answers to questions on Buddhism:


1. Does the story of Siddhartha Guatama, particularly in the years before he became the Buddha, ring true? Is it legend or hearsay? Does it matter?
The fundamentals of the story rings true. The fundamentals are essential questions in everybodys life: What is life? What's suffering? Is there an alternative to suffering? What's a way to overcome suffering?
I agree with Buddha in his philosophy: Life is dukkha (Suffering, with no apparent cause) - there is a cause for the suffering (avidya or ignorance) - the cause can be abated - and there is a path (margo yoga) to freedom.  
So, this Buddha story is focusing on the true human problems/solutions. Perhaps some details (dates, persons, miracle stories etc.) are symbolic descriptions or not 100 percent true or fantasy, halluzination - what ever. But this is not important. Important is the message - everybody should  overcome false beliefs and dogmas and clean his mind, liberate his mind, make the the world more peacefully... etc.
One Example: a questionable part of Buddhas story is the fight with Mara (the equivalent of the devil). I think that Mara is real when he is not. He is an aspect of the human psyche, desire, addictions and attachments. When the mind will become free, Mara will disappear.
2. What does enlightenment mean to you?
Enligtenment means to me:
- Liberation from greed, anger, and ignorance
- Embracing that we (all beings) are all connected
- Living honestly
- Knowingness
- Letting go
- Being present and compassionate
- Peace of mind
3. Do you believe that enlightenment is possible? Is there more than one way to be enlightened? If so, what?

Yes, in my opinion enlightenment is possible for me, you and everyone. There are many ways to make life more enlightened. Prayer and meditation, chanting and preaching, study holy scriptures and practise sacred sexuality, dancing, silence, ... all religious ways (who recognizes freedom and tolerance, human rights and true love) are bridges to enlightenment. But - there are also "religious" sects who preys the man. They believe in a punitive God, eternal hell and sinfulness of man. If man believes in his culpability and badness he's not able to become free. Positive religions help man to feel good, connected, strong and full of love. These religions open the doors to enlightenment. My individual favourite way is regularly meditation, service for others and yoga.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Monday, October 19, 2009

A Course In Miracles

At this moment…

At this moment, life is happening.  At this moment, not the past, not the future but at this very moment.  When we stay in the moment all other focuses fade away, we stay in-focus at the same time we are out-of-focus.  At this moment, your moment is different than mine but we all are on the same field working with no Ego, no fear, no anger, no pain and no petty issues.  At this moment is when Magic happens.  For when we are in the moment everything falls into place as actions and questions become clear and obstacles are removed.  These difficulties are created and controlled by the Ego. The Ego cannot be part of the moment for in the moment is God.  Once we leave the moment we fall prey to the Ego and all the fallible that it entails. 

Prejudices, wars and power are all part of the Ego.  If we are to become one with God we have to practice the focus of the moment.  Each moment, is just a simple touch of the infinite and as the ticking of time goes by we must learn to lengthen the moment creating an eventual eternity of one single moment.   Then and only then, do we really become one with God.

God is the creator of the moment.  The moment is his son Jesus.  To get to God you must go through Jesus.  By focusing on the moment you now focus on Jesus and allow yourself access to God.  Each moment extended gets you closer to being one with God. 

Darkness of thoughts lead to the Ego controlling the person which then leads to creating power and wars issues that ultimately can destroy our world.  The Ego is a way-ward thought of the past or future and takes you away from God.  By focusing on other things the Ego is allowed to grow and take over causing the person physically, mentally & spiritually to become stressed leading to an unhealthy, diseased and dying person.  When we are in the moment we retain health, vitality and access eternal youth. 

But what is the Ego?  The Ego is that which takes you out of the moment, it pulls, tugs, and twinges it way in.  Thoughts of what if, why that, why me, if only, are just a small sample of what the Ego likes to play with.  As long as you entertain these thoughts the Ego grows and darkens.  Ego cannot survive in the light of the moment. 

As we go about our daily lives we need to be vigilant to what and where our thoughts flow.  This requires practice and loving patients with ourselves along with forgiveness of the unintended wander be aware and bring yourself back to the moment.  Do not let the Ego take over.  We must intentionally go forth with determination and create a moment. 

At this moment we make a better world.  At this moment we smile because we are that much closer to God.    

Rev. Savrina Griego


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Religious Philosophy

Religious philosophy Summary of Course

                                                             Dr Patricia Wormeck THD, ND

     I do believe after taking this course, that I have found my spiritual place in the world.

  After completing my Doctorate in Theology, I came to realization that I cannot be a part

  Of any organized religion.  This course helped me define my position in the world of


     Immediately in the course the definition for religious philosophy was a study in non bias,

  or non personal agendas or opinions.  Most written material, books, courses, etc. have

  agendas that the author wishes to express.  I might include possible include the books

  of the bible, but that would be my opinion.  The point of the course is that we do not

  want to study in that way.   Studying facts and points of view of various religions is     

  acceptable.  The basis for the whys and wherefores of religion organizations and why

  people need religion is discussed, as definitions of words such as precepts and concepts.

     I was very interested in the discussion of the makeup of the brain that determines

  whether a person has spiritual tendencies or not.  Apparently the more serotonin

   receptors a person has, the less spiritual they tend to be.  The serotonin seems to 

  given them comfort.  With this definition, I must have fewer receptors and therefore

  need the comfort of spirituality.

    The above definition is not the only reason for spirituality.  Maybe God has programed

  us to be spiritual to refine ourselves for out afterlives, and maybe not.  The love of ideas

  and what men think can also be motivators.

       I loved this course, and it has opened a few field for me.   Thanks so much.


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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Religious Philosophy

Lesson 4 ~ Organized Religions
Rev. Fr. A. R. M. Manley
Q. 1): If those zoo keepers are right in thinking that gorillas "get something" out of a wake when one dies, what does that say about religion? Does it diminish faith and make it "just biological" if we were to discover that the great apes do it also? What do you think: are these gorillas expressing some type of proto-faith, or are the zoo keepers 'anthropomorphizing' (assigning human attributes to animal behavior) the gorilla behavior?
A. 1): This statement refers to the great apes as being "some what human". In reality they are not, they are however, animals that have some human traits. The old adage "monkey see, monkey do" comes to mind when I precive the notion that apes are religious by some fluk of nature or natural aspect. It is inconcivable that this concept or trait can be construed as a form of religious intent. I know and have seen animals from many forms of life take notice to one of their own that has passed on or better yet sat by and grieved the loss of life from their companion. This trait does not in my opinion give or even should be given in respect to the idea of religious interruption. Yet it is an understandable trait of compassion that is noticed when we have the ability to witness the act of grievous intent. As for the questions references to "proto-faith or anthropomorphizing" is absurd for the reason I have mentioned. The act of grievance is an outward expression of compassion.
Q.2): If Karl Marx was correct, and religion is only useful in maintaining the political and economic status quo, does it really matter whether that religion believes in Heaven and Hell or whether it accepts reincarnation? How could religion work as this "opium of the people" in each type of society?
A.2): Faith is the aspect of believing in what is not tangible, but excepting it on the merit of the level of enlightenment by the Devine powers that reveals its truths to the individual believer. The existence of "Heaven and Hell" by faith must exist in order for the believer to be truly faithful and or fearful in the spirituality of the unknown. By keeping the aspect of morality and conciseness in the forefront of the mind and heart of one's particular belief we can presume that they do exist because of the many studies and translations by prophetic individuals of past cultures that now influence our understanding of reality and spirituality. If it is to be classified as the "opium of the people" then I say we as a world society need more of it.
Q.3): Finally, what if Sir Frazer and Sir Tylor were correct (being American, it does sound strange to refer to people as "Sir" and mean knighthood)? They considered religion to be the end result of enough people accepting the "answers" offered by some savage philosopher – someone who had thought about the 'great questions of life' and had come to some conclusions. Can you think of anyone from the 20th century who might be thought of in this way? You don't need to agree with them; but, they would need to be someone who had pondered these questions, come to conclusions, and then had others follow their teachings – eventually organizing into a structured religion. Anyone come to mind? If not, how about the 19th century (1800s)?
A.3): One that comes to mind would be Joseph Smith and Brigham Young the founder of the Mormon Church also known as the Church of Latter Day Saints and also the cult factions of Jim Jones leader of the Peoples Temple movement and also there is the incident at WACO, Texas with the followers of the Branch Davidians of David Koresh. Even though these are not all cults they have had a profound impact on individuals and communities. Some would even say that Charles Manson is a prophetic man that has his own following.
Reverend Father Andrew R. M. Manley

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Four Gosepls

Final Essay on the Four Gospels
Rev. Derek Kemp

I have found this course very challenging and absorbing to read and study giving me a different perception about the Four Gospels than before. The modern translation supplied with the course opened new points of view in a down-to-earth way making it much more readable than conventional translations, particularly for this type of course. I am not in agreement with everything in the notes but they have been caused me to stop and think more deeply about the gospels.

The point has been made that Jesus at times becomes frustrated or angry or even childish. This view is understandable but surely, we are forgetting that the central fact of the Christian faith  is that Jesus is both divine as the son of God and also human as the son of humanity - in effect a sort of dual personality which must have been difficult even for him to reconcile from time to time.  He did not come straight into the world as a figure from heaven (would he really have been accepted if he had ?- I doubt it!) but was born of a woman in very humble circumstances and lived his life among mankind for about 30 years so that he could experience and understand human problems and failings.  At the same time, when he started his ministry, his divine nature enabled him to heal and  do other miraculous works, which one might have expected would convince the people that here was someone special. So I feel that the human element is bound to show through when his hearers are being deliberately dense or misunderstanding him. We, as humans, must have been in situations that caused us to be angry or frustrated when people we were talking to refused to understand. As to being childish, the Jews were about to stone him for blasphemy, and to run away until tempers cooled would have been a sensible thing to do.

The Pharisees and lawyers were always asking trick questions and producing rather stupid stories to try to trap him but never seem to want to understand his replies. They were the learned section amongst the Jews and should be able to follow his meaning through their own knowledge of scripture.  The Pharisees and lawyers were honoured amongst the people by getting the best seats in the church, at dinners and generally being on a higher plane  by expecting as of right the salutations of more humble men.  They refuse to understand his message because they do not want to change their lifestyle which is so good even under the Romans - though the life offered by Jesus would surely be better.  The Jewish faith was protected in the Roman empire and they did not want to change the status quo. In other words, they are more concerned with this world and its benefits (like many people today) than the heavenly world proclaimed by Jesus. They and the leaders of the synagogue wanted to keep in with the Romans and they fear that Jesus' teaching could attract reprisals from Rome. This would upset their lives and create problems they did not want. Can one wonder that Jesus is frustrated and angry on occasions as he would expect the Jewish leaders to be ready for his message and support him, not to cause rebellion against Rome, but to stir up the Jewish faith and the lives of the people to a better understanding of God?

I feel that this study has helped to heighten my perception as well as, to some extent, changing it for the better.

Rev. Derek Kemp


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Biblical Egyptology

Richard A. Helmersen

            The question about the existence of evidence supporting the Biblical Exodus was dealt with exhaustively in this course.  When I underwent theological training thirty years ago, I was taught that there was absolutely no evidence outside of the Bible supporting the Exodus.  That was the prevailing view among intellectuals of the day, but Dr. Federspiel has done a good job of updating my knowledge on the subject, and I would have to agree with him that there is indeed substantial evidence supporting aspects of the Biblical account.  He did not give absolute proof of the Exodus, but there is certainly a preponderance of evidence that something approximating the Biblical account took place nearly three thousand five hundred years ago.

            Although I was told there was no extra Biblical evidence supporting the Exodus, I accepted its existence as both a matter of faith and with the knowledge that the Bible was not written as a fictional account but was attempting to be factual and was taken very seriously by Jews, Muslims, and Christians.  Though I had been taught that the first eleven chapters of Genesis were essentially tribal myth and not to be taken literally, from Abraham on there was extra Biblical support and archeology has supported the facts quite well.  Numbers may have been exaggerated or numerological schemes, but there was support for the existence of the people and places discussed in the text.  Because the Exodus is included in the part of the Bible dealing with history and was taken by the Hebrew people as factual, I have always accepted the basic facts of the story.  That does not mean that I accepted all the events as literally true, as they were recollections of people passed down through the centuries, of a heroic past.  We in the modern world often exaggerate the exploits of our ancestors, and I expected no less from the Children of Israel, however in the basic facts, I always thought there must be general truth, which would include their arrival in Egypt several hundred years before the Exodus, and the leadership of a person named Moses to take a group of Semitic people out of that land.  It didn't need to look like the Hollywood version of the story to be generally true.  There may have been a relatively small number of Jews leaving Egypt and settling in Palestine for the story to be true in my mind.  Dr. Federspiel has convinced me that my assumption was indeed correct and something indeed happened.  Furthermore, although it appears that a great deal of Egyptian history was lost to internal squabbling, fighting, wars, and natural disasters, enough circumstantial evidence exists to support the presence of quite a large number of Semites in Egypt who arrived in Jerusalem.

            I was interested to discover that a staff was found in Jordan of Tuthmoses IV –Moses II inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and Graham Phillips presumed it belonged to Moses.   Though it is not proof, it is an interesting theory which I feel needs further study.  Certainly it proves that Egyptian and Semitic people had contact with each other in the area of modern day Israel . 

            One thing that appears certain is that Moses was a real person.  He is referenced by both Manetho and Artapanus.  Manetho states that the Egyptians "troubled by calamities, in order that the divine wrath might be averted, expelled the foreigners…their leader said to have been Moses."  If a pagan Egyptian priest living three hundred years before the Common Era has a record of a person named Moses who was kicked out of Egypt to appease the gods, Moses probably existed.   Moses is a popular Egyptian name, not Hebrew.  It is doubtful that the Hebrew authors of the story would have made up the name from thin air.  Just the fact that they were able to come up with an Egyptian name for their hero suggests some knowledge of Egypt .  To have an Egyptian pagan priest confirm the basic facts of the story is more than an interesting coincidence.  It suggests that the basic events of the story actually took place and had a significant impact on Egypt. 

     Remember that Manetho was remembering an event that took place more than a thousand years before his time.  We don't remember trivial events that long.  Something significant must have taken place.  As a matter of fact, with the evidence of an Egyptian priest, I am convinced that the Exodus was more significant an event than I had originally thought.  My expectations for the Exodus were small.  I figured a small number of people left Egypt and settled in Palestine .  I really downplayed the plagues in my mind, being the recipient of a liberal theological education.  After looking at the evidence submitted by Dr. Federspiel, I am forced to accept the possibility that even the plagues and miracles may have some validity.   If the plagues were recorded and remembered for a thousand years in Egypt, they must have happened and Moses must have been credit for them. 

     Furthermore, it seems quite likely that the military defeat in the " Reed Sea " may have happened too, as that would be significant reason the remember Moses.

            It is too bad that a fire destroyed the Alexandria Library and anti pagan fervor during the Christian era, lead to the destruction of so much material in Egypt.   It is also too bad that early European Archeologists collecting samples from ancient Egypt were so sloppy that they destroyed priceless papyri codices and fragments.  Because so much material has been forever lost, we will never have the full picture of Moses and the Exodus, however to say there is no evidence that survives today appears to be far from the truth.  We have a great deal of circumstantial evidence preserved by Josephus and Eusebius.  Furthermore, there is possible archeological evidence being unearthed today, though our understanding of the hieroglyphs makes it very hard to interpret.  With time and further work on interpreting of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, it seems certain that the existence of Moses will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.       


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christian Studies

Important note in Mathew 1 is that at the time the devil is tempting Jesus, he finds that Jesus is loyal to the father and then leaves him alone. This however is only because the devil has recognized that Jesus was the son of the father. For, believers the temptation never stops. Satan, through his trials, was unable to capture the one thing that he wanted from Jesus, that being his faith. For we are children also of God, however we also humanly maintain our free will, and since we keep that will alive on earthly things, Satan knows that we can always be attacked and often times will fail regardless of our walk. Satan can see our vulnerability as we maintain our free will. We need to as son's of the king, act and respond to things, people and circumstances in a different way, a way that only pleases the father, setting aside our will and praying for His will be done. To think merely because we are saved and protected through the blood of Christ by simple words is a lie we tell ourselves. Words without action are nothing more than just words. We must all make a choice, not simply a change to enjoy the riches of the kingdom. As it states in Ephesians "Put on the full armor of God"
The teaching of Jesus gathering the 12 disciples is a simple yet very deep illustration. Can we even ponder the concept of having so much light (righteousness) illuminate through us that anyone would be willing to leave their life and all it entailed, to follow us through a simple invite as "Follow me". But as Christians, aren't we called to bear the same fruits of the kingdom, so that everyone knows that there is something different and that difference that they see is desirable. Then there is the message that common man, regardless of past, can and is entitled to the kingdom and all that it offers. As the disciples returned to Jesus and wondered about their failures of healing, Jesus tells them they have the power within them, yet their lack of faith has became apparent through their failures. God clearly tells us in the word that He has given all those who follow him, everything that they need. Since it is impossible for God to speak a lie, we must believe that we have the same powers within us, implanted by the blood of Christ, being created in his own image. Inability to use those powers I believe falls upon ones measure of faith. The analogy of the fig tree is also a vital teaching if we look into its depth. Yes Jesus was hungry and he approached the fig tree to partake in its fruit, a fruit which it was divinely created for. Upon seeing that it was barren, he commanded it to death. We were created by God to first multiply and secondly to expand the kingdom of God. I personally have to keep myself in check, asking daily that my old self be crucified and that the new me be fruitful. What good is life if the very life we were given, does not bear any fruit of the kingdom of God? To ask oneself for the old self to be crucified and the new self emerge and be fruitful, requires a deep knowledge of God and a measure of faith knowing that through that faith it will be done. Prior to my own salvation, I was that fig tree, From the view point of those passing, they saw a healthy hard working and productive person, my tree was in bloom and covered in leaves so to speak, yet I was not bearing any fruit that would sustain the lives of those that came to me or myself. Death was necessary to make way for the new.  The question is simple, does your life bear fruit that others may partake of and become truly and heavenly healthy, or do you just offer shade to those for a moments rest.
Imagine if you can, Jesus picks Mathew, a tax collector who is hated by everyone. Prostitutes were given more respect than the tax collector. But through the power of Christ all of mankind can have new life, no matter how much sin they posses. No one can go too far, that God's hand is beyond their reach.
Has anyone you know, including yourself, commonly with children, made a pack with someone by nicking the finger and uniting the blood. We refer to it as "blood brothers." As children those Blood Brother packs are taken very serious. Aren't we in essence as we take communion and drink the symbolic wine or fruit juice, making a pack with Christ? Is not our intention, for that drink to enter into our bodies and mix with our own blood for a purification process? In other words when people do laundry and need the whites to be deeply cleaned, do they not add a small portion of bleach to the tub. In relation to the amount of water in the tub, the bleach is added in a small quantity but its effects are tremendous.
I find it necessary to address the issue of Jesus knowing who would betray him. Let's look at the story of Zacchaeus. Jesus is walking along a path and comes upon a tree with a man sitting in it. Zacchaeus, small in stature finds it necessary to climb the tree so he can see Jesus. Jesus walks right up to the tree and says "Zacchaeus, come down from there for it is your house I am to spend the night at.  Jesus knew Zacchaeus by name as there was no introduction. Secondly, the sycamore tree is large enough for Zacchaeus to climb and is standing at the edge of the path. That tree had a divine calling or purpose if you will, and is evident by its ability to survive standing alongside a path heavily travelled. I believe as we look very deep into every word that it is written, it is then that we can understand God's plan. Jesus knew everything, just as his father knows everything from beginning to end. So did Jesus know that Judas would betray him, absolutely. Judas being chosen was all part of God's master plan. Does God know your next decision, your heart, your failures and successes, has he not from the beginning, known every hair on your head? Another way to look at this divine belief system is simply this, was Jesus a son of God or was he Really God in the form of man. Lots of controversy on this thought. I personally think Jesus was God, But for mankind to believe, it was needed to state he is my son, a person that people could see, touch and hear. God knows how hard it was for man to believe in something they can't see. Look into the Old Testament. How long did God's people keep the law after the witnessing of a miracle? We believe what we can see and that is sad, for then comes the lack of faith issues. Illustration after illustration throughout the book of judges, people walked the walk, as long as there was a leader, but left on their own, returned to their sinful nature.
When we look at the crucifixion, we know that Jesus had the power to choose another path, yet he asks the father several times "Is there any other way" But being obedient to his father's no, he chose to walk the path that would have ever lasting effects on this world. Jesus, already knew the answer, yet the question needed to be asked for our benefit, and hence, Do we ask God, before we make our choices? He chose to remain obedient to his father, be beaten beyond recognition and to endure a pain through a vast variety of tortures that we can't even begin to comprehend. And He did this so that we may have eternal life.  I recall when my 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer and then for 15 remaining years after 5 different surgeries her life kept diminishing to a vegetative state. At age 20 and having completed her assignment she was called home to our Lord. Numerous people approached us with hearts full of sincerity and said "I know how you must feel, Reality, until you've walked through an identical pain yourself, you can't begin to know how someone feels. You may be able to comprehend loss and sadness of similar tragedies of your own life, but you can't experience what another as gone through. We can imagine the pain and process our Jesus endured, but only a few can actually feel his pain to the depth of their beings.
There is much debate and even indictments against the authors of the gospels regarding truth and plagiary. Although they are an excellent place for new believers to begin their walk, one must always look beyond the written word of man and weigh it against the glory of god. Having a background of 30 years in law enforcement and interviewing thousands of witnesses, one thread always ran true. Each witness always had a slightly different version of what they actually saw and heard. God through Christ Jesus, tells all, those that have ears, hear and those that have eyes, see.  The same holds true as we read the word of the living god. Truth is not to be manipulated for sake of drama or personal fulfillment. Truth is truth and all will be judged one day on their abilities to hear, see and speak it for the glory of god.                                                                                                            
Rev. Robert Schultz
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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. 
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Wiccan Studies

Wiccan Course for ULC Seminary
Rev. Michele M. Gordon
     First of all, I want to thank Lord SkyWalker for his time and energy that showed in the course work!  I was highly impressed with what I learned in this course. Thank you, Lord SkyWalker!
     I have had opportunities for many years to practice some Wiccan ceremony ways, and to meet "real" Wiccan practitioners in my lifetime.  I am, however, of Native American heritage, (Anishinabe), which is also referred to as Ojibwe, or Chippewa.  I am from the Bad River Reservation in Odanah, Wisconsin., and have practiced my Native ways of spirituality for more than 30 years now!  There are similarities between the Wiccan ways, which also have a close connection to Nature, as does our Anishinabe way.  We also believe in walking in a good way upon Mother Earth, and looking at the 4 directions for guidance (the Medicine Wheel).  And of course, we believe in our ceremonies as a special time of connection between one another and with the Creator. 
     I found making the altar a very special part of the course work.  I have attached a picture of the altar I made.  I enjoyed learning about how each altar can be set up to suit the individual practitioner, and also that there are certain things that need to be a part of the ceremony.  I had fun searching out a chalice, rock to represent the Goddess and Lord, and also a wand.  I made this out of the end of a Tamarack branch.  Tamarack trees are sought out for teepee poles, and I happened to have a teepee in my yard, and was able to find one end of one pole to use for the wand. 
     I loved the history of Wicca, and was saddened by the tragedies that occurred because of prejudice and judgments of others.  I do believe there is a Karma for any sort of persecution of peoples.  My own ancestors endured oppression and holocaust-type annihalations, so I have a deep understanding for what happened to Wiccans of the past and even in the present.  I have a beautiful story as a psychotherapist to share.  One of my young clients had a desire to look into Wicca, and become a part of it.  Her mother, however, was Christian, and of the more fundamental sort.  I was amazed, however, that the mother was open to discussing this with her daughter in one of our sessions.  In the end, they both allowed me to invite a Wiccan woman in to share about her religion and way of life.  Both Mother and Daughter were able to ask questions and get answers.  The mother was able to see that this woman lived a pretty normal life, and practiced her ways of belief in a beautiful manner.  The Mother and Daughter also took a class together with a local "witch" and were able to gather more information.  They also read books together on the topic of Witchcraft and Wicca.  It was a fun thing to see, as it could have turned out so very differently, if the Mother had forbade her daughter to pursue her interests.  The story had a beautiful ending for both, and brought them closer as a Mother and Daughter.
     I believe this course brought me more information and knowledge regarding Wicca and the practice of it.  I believe strongly in "energy medicine", as a Reiki Master.  I see the power of prayer as energy that can be put to good use, and I believe Wicca is one way of gathering that energy and using it in a positive way.  I actually had my old "Book of Shadows" and pulled that out from years ago!  I was amazed at how much this book had in it, which I had gathered over 30 years ago!!  I now keep it in a very special place, and refer to it on occasion as part of my spirituality.  As a Native woman, we have women's ceremonies, one of which is the Full Moon ceremony.  I have hosted this at my home since the 80's, and continue to do so.  I see that the Wiccan ceremonies are also around the moon at times, and it has shown me that the Moon has been important to women for eons.  I have come to believe that it does not matter how we do ritual, as long as we connect to the energies that are around us, and share with others these sacred times.  
     As a Reverend with the Universal Life Church, I have done many wedding and funeral ceremonies which incorporate my Native beliefs into the rituals.  This has been very special to me, and I believe it is why I was called upon to be a Reverend with ULC, so that people can have access to their ceremony the way they would like it to be.  I was called upon to perform a ceremony that the couple had chosen to put some Wicca parts in, and it was delightful!  They had Hand-fasting as part of the ceremony, and they stood in the lake as they said their vows to one another.  I loved it!
     I so appreciated Lord Skywalker's open-ness about his practice.  He enjoyed his ways of teaching.
Reverend Michele M. Gordon
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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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