Universal Life Church

Online sermons, Sunday school and other interesting readings.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Course In Miracles

 A Course in Miracles
       Dr. of Metaphysics
    I have completed the course in miracles, each lesson took on a life of its own.
This is a course for the strong and determined for it will bring about fundamental change in perception.  Changes in the perception of one person  thus brings about changes in all that surround them, for all things are connected and all things are relative.  We are all a part of the great energy some call God, touching all things living and perceived dead (not dead at all just different).     These lessons took more than just one week, each became  experiential as they exponentially evolved,  full of life changing energy. I believe Loretta wrote these with the intent to create an environment for each individual to change their world toward a more loving and enlightened place thus changing the world she lives in as well, all for the better.     
     The question is where to begin simply because it feels as if I have lived an entire life within the time it took to complete this course.  I thought I had lived a full life but what I experienced was more like being a drift in the great ocean of life subjugated to the tides ebb and flow of others near and far. There was no control of my own destiny nor creative energy, or for how I should live and create my own reality.  I did not understand that this was for me to create and not anyone else. Realization and action of these principals began with tuning out the outside influences that bombard us on a daily basis (eg. I turned off the T.V.Permanently!).  Amazingly enough this opened the doors of perception to begin seeing things just a bit different. This allowed a good look at those that seek to control us for their gain of power and a boost to their ego with little regard for our well being at all.  It is amazing how wrapped up in feeding the ego the entire world has become.  One must conceive that this ego feeding frenzy will have to self implode like a blotted tick, for how much gorging on the gimme gimme buffet line can those power hungry buggers take before they have become just meat suits with no spiritual conceptual-ism.  This exemplifies the exact opposite reasons we have chose to come to this planet.                                                                     
     Our existence here is for the experience of creating in a loving accepting manner toward all things and not for our domination or control over them. Through our thought and actions circumstances, events and things manifest into our conscious reality. We control our destiny and the outcome of our thoughts and decisions, we allow others to influence or lives or not, we make these choices, we need to be consciously aware of this at all times to guard against those that seek to do harm to this grand plan.  I believe Loretta has guided and directed each of use who took this course in a amazingly loving way to take hold of our lives to reclaim our destiny from others and from the fear that lives with in each of us to boldly create a place that the Great Mystery could be proud to live and love in.  The act of taking control of our creative energy is exactly what causes a state of being ready , waiting and experiencing  the miracles that manifest.
                                                                                   Cheryjn Rose Carson
                                                                            aka: Raven Whitecoyote  


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I really enjoyed this chapter. It still fits in this world a lot some people just get baptized today because they think that it is what they are expected to do. It really doesn't mean to them what it should. Sometimes it is just for show and doesn't change the persons heart at all. When really it should be a life altering moment. It changed me forever. 

                                    The new cloth on an old cloak and old wine in an old wine skin. Of course still applies today. Some people just can not change. But I believe that everyone has some good in them and if there is a glimmer of hope that God can enter into your life anyone can change. Because he is most powerful and almighty and if you let him in he will change your life.
                                 Jesus was given the power by God to forgive. Jesus is God's son and he was given God's power while here on earth . God did this so that all of us  would know that he is and that he is all powerful. Jesus was sent here to show God's children that he is and that he loves us.
             About the journey back home. That definitely applies to today because everyone who goes back home for a visit is judged. People are just naturally curious and judge mental.
                                When Jesus tells us that what we put into our mouths doesn't matter, it is what comes out of our mouth that matters. I think this is one of this strongest statements in the Bible. Because God is not going to judge you for what you eat , or drink, or how dirty your hands are when you eat. What comes out of your mouth comes from who you are. It comes from your heart and soul that is much more important.
                   Staying true to your beliefs is very much a part of today's world. In today's world there are so many different belief systems being taught, and so much pressure on a person for what they believe that it is hard to stay true to your beliefs. But if you have faith and you have God and Jesus in your life, really in your life. It shouldn't be hard to stay true.

This chapter was interesting. I have read the Bible probably about 5 times and reading it slower like this makes a difference. It really makes you think and compare the times. Jesus did not want them to talk about him and his miracles because he did not want the praise and recognition for him. He wanted it for God his father. Unfortunatly today everyone wants recognition for themselves even when they are trying to teach about God.
                                    Barriers in this life are just tests but you have to do your best to make it throught them with your faith still intact. Because they really do mean nothing in the long run. But sometimes in the world we live in today they make us stray so far from our faith that we get lost.
                        Divorce and Marriage are both taken way to lightley in todays world. People take these vows not understanding the true meaning of them. When you marry you join your life to theirs until death do you part. So you should take your time and be sure of what you are doing. You make that vow to yourselves and wittnesses and God and it should not be taken lightley. Divorce sometimes is nessicary. But not just because you are tired of being married. Marriage is hard there is nothing about sharing your life that is easy. But you should consider that before you take that step. Then when you do you should do everything in your power to keep your vows not just give up when things get a little tough.
                   Jesus tell us that God worked through him when he did the miracles. God still performs miracles today through others because he can. He is the almighty and he can do anything. I have had so many miracles in my life I do not think I could even list them all.
                I do believe what goes around comes around in today's world. There is so much hatred and anger in this world it is so unbalanced. We need more joy and love and the only ones that can change that is us. So we all need to wake up and start changing what we don't like.
                 The lesson of the drummer boy is so great we don't see much of this anymore. Everyone should give more . But people don't appreciate it and we don't want to be hurt so we just don't try.
                          The story of Judas is so much a part of today's world. Everyone stabs everyone in the back. It is hard to find anyone who is trustworthy at all even family. People are out today for themselves and they just don't care about what their actions cause.
                     When God was angry at the crucifixion of Jesus.Then people believed
  their was physical proof. They believed that the crucifixion angered God and he did all of the destruction. They could see it so it scared them into believing. People are doing this again today because of all of the natural disasters. They believe that the end is near and God is doing all of this so they are starting to believe again. God needs you to believe because he has told you that he is. His son came and told you that he is. He sent many men before him that told you he is . He had them write the Bible to teach you of what he expected. But still we need physical proof. I have no doubt in my Father in heaven and I need nothing to prove to me that he exists. But everyday I get signs that he does and it just strengthens my faith even more.

Rev. Gwen

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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Spiritual Development

Rev. Joseph Ceh

It would appear that self-acceptance begins very early in one's life – even while one inhabits the womb. Science tells us that singing, reading, music, and noises affect the yet-to-be-born. After birth one continues the process of learning, experiencing change and growth in one's self perception, viz., self-acceptance. This process is life-long and inherently dynamic because it involves change and inner growth. As we grow chronologically, ideally we develop core, personal values that enhance one's life or not!

Moving through childhood, pubescence, adolescence, and eventually emerging into adulthood, we have gained in self-acceptance and self-actualization. However, this is a process both ongoing and developmental. That is to say, we are always becoming, always changing – ideally for the better. We may come to recognize that we are much more than our job or title; more than our academic background or other mundane achievements. We are complex beings. In other words we are more than what we do. As homo-sapiens we live also on other levels, namely, the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels along with our intellectual capacity. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for us to experience aspects of life that threaten or strike an axe at our self-image. Negative self-talk about one's regrets and disappointing behavior may weaken authentic self-esteem and self actualization. In such circumstances we may fall into the trap of debilitating self-doubt or unnecessary worry. Genuine self-acceptance and spiritual growth ought not allow negative self-talk to grow, but rather one may employ the "tools" of prayer, meditation, journaling, spiritual reading, spiritual direction and any other methods to ground one in the highest good, altruistic living, and service to humanity. These are the touchstones of what is sacred and offers peace of heart, peace of mind, peace of soul, self-actualization and self-acceptance.

Being a responsible person fundamentally means having the ability to respond to life's circumstances with clarity of heart and mind. We are responsible when we aim to act purposefully in our choices while choosing goals worthy of us as beings reflecting the Divine image. These choices include living daily attuned to each aspect of that which makes us fully human and spiritually alive. As sojourners on this earthly journey we may ready ourselves to receive insights flowing from being attentive to every life situation, and appealing to one's inner conscience or soul or heart or spiritual intuition. And, too, it may be more than useful to consider a life-coach or spiritual director when life throws its inevitable curve balls that disrupt inner peace. Life-coaches help us to re-evaluate the paths we are taking on our earthly journey.

The goal or goals we set before us are more about the path itself and not the destination. Mistakes, personal disappointments, wrong turns, so to speak, are opportunities for growth. If, for example, my goal is to become a teacher, it is not merely obtaining the credentials to teach, but also to become a skilled teacher and a person of patience, compassion, understanding and openness. An authentic teacher continues to keep her/his goals in mind while at the same time remaining open to all those life lessons and challenges along the way.
During my ministry in a very large suburban parish, I fell victim to stress stemming from the demands of a large parish. I wrestled with this uncomfortable feeling far too long before naming the stressors brought about by daily time constraints, meetings, pastoral care, preaching and… You get the picture! I was able to refocus and take additional quiet, reflective time to reevaluate my ministry. In conversation with my spiritual director I learned something, or rather re-learned what I had lost sight of: that being present to/with parishioners means being in the here-and-now. That is to say, we may only be present to others when we are present to this very moment.

I recall an adolescent who was struggling with many issues inherent in the often tumultuous late adolescent years. We met often, but one particular day I asked if he might try living just one day at a time. His response was, "No, not for me. I can only live moment to moment for now." What insight he had! It is only in the NOW that we live, and each day takes us a little farther along on our journey. To place ourselves in the present is not to lose sight of one's goals, but to allow our goals to unfold in the thoughts and actions of this moment. We recognize that our thoughts affect attitudes and attitudes influence behavior in this moment.

There are many techniques to help us refocus and review our goals and aspirations – as has already been said. Whatever techniques or tools we use, the aim is the same, to allow time to reestablish clarity when life's waters become a little muddy. I especially like using a daily journal to help affirm established goals, evaluate and living in this moment, and reaffirm my goals for the future.

Rev. Dr. Joseph T. Ceh


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free  and lasts for life, so use the button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change.

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Spiritual Development

Essay for Doctor of Spiritual Development
Rev. Alasdair Gordon

I was originally drawn to this course as it was probably the only one I have seen that links up NLP and hypnosis with aspects of spirituality.

I have to lay my cards on the table and say at the outset that I am not exactly new to the subject of NLP. In fact, I have been associated with it now for a number of years, qualifying first as a Practitioner and, in 2009, finally achieving the status of Master Practitioner. I am also a registered hypnotherapist in the United Kingdom with a lifelong interest in that subject.

However, I am aware that this is not the "be all and end all".  All systems of belief and practice have their limitations and constraints. The danger of misusing systems such as NLP is that they can achieve an almost cult-like status. NLP has its followers, its own language and jargon, its "founding fathers" and influential writers and teachers. It is tempting, although unhelpful, to live within an NLP world seeing everything in these terms. In my model of the world, I see NLP as most useful when it is integrated into everyday life and practice rather than as a belief system operating on its own (and perhaps that seems strange, coming from an NLP Master Practitioner!).

To me, one of the great strengths of NLP that differentiates it from a cult is that it never seeks to assess or judge anyone's beliefs. It does not say what anyone "should" or "should not" believe. It does not question anyone's beliefs. It simply asks the question "Is this belief useful for YOU?"  If someone wants to believe in God and that belief is useful for him, that's fine. If someone prefers to believe that there is no God, and for him, that is a useful belief, that is also OK, from an NLP point of view.

Now, for all of us, beliefs are really important since they affect who we are. They are the basis of our values. In other words they are part of our identity. When our beliefs about ourselves and the world are attacked or under threat, we will react in some way, even if only through a strong emotion or sense of anger. Many of the dreadful terrorist activities that have taken place in the last ten years can trace their origin to beliefs and values being under attack (or, more exactly, the perception that they are under attack).

Many beliefs are formed in us when we are young.

"Don't talk to strangers. They're all bad."
"People are out to get you – you can't trust anyone."
"Little boys should be seen and not heard"
"If you don't do well in school, you'll fail in life."
 "A woman's place is in the home"

We are all, at least to some extent, the products of our own background and upbringing. We will have cause to follow – or else consciously reject – what our parents, teachers and mentors have told us, whether that has been done expressly or by implication. So, if a child is brought up to believe that he is clumsy, stupid, talented and clever or whatever, this belief about his capabilities will be deeply seated. And the problem is that useful beliefs and non-useful beliefs are equally powerfully rooted. Our unconscious does not know how to differentiate the one from the other.

So, if I have a belief that I cannot add up a column of figures, it will, in essence become a self-fulfilling prophecy. [Some people would say that all prophecies are self-fulfilling. That is another story.]

If, on the other hand, I believe that I am "good" at addition, I will almost certainly find that I am good at addition.

Also, some beliefs are useful but have only a limited shelf life. It is a useful belief for a young child that he needs to check things out with his parents and cannot stand on his own two feet. Young children need protection and guidance. But that need does not and should not last for ever. The time comes when that same belief needs to be changed. The "child" is no longer a child and needs to make his own decisions. He is now independent of his parents or at least moving in that direction. That process of change can prove difficult and painful.

Some aspects of personal change can certainly be difficult. But not all personal change needs be so. Some changes can be made surprisingly quickly by using appropriate techniques of NLP or hypnosis or other related disciplines.

Reference has already been made to the fact that the subconscious (or the unconscious) does not make moral distinctions. It will seek to reinforce a belief that is already programmed because it thinks that if that belief is there, then it must be useful and in the person's best interests.

So, the person who believes in God will look at the world for all signs of a creating and loving God to reinforce that belief. The atheist, on the other hand, will look at the evil in world and ask how a loving God could possibly allow such terrible things to happen. They will also tend to gravitate towards people who hold similar views.

At a more mundane level, when a person who believes deep down that he cannot do a particular thing – and is then asked to do it – his subconscious will send him the protective message – "No, you cannot do that; remember?" The subconscious perceives that it is working for the best (and the subconscious always tries to do its best) in preventing the person from attempting something he cannot do, with all the repercussions that brings.

In NLP terms, this "cannot do" is an example of a "limiting belief". Some of our limiting beliefs have been with us for a long time and may be so deeply seated that we may not even be consciously aware that we have them. (Of course there are many very useful beliefs that are also programmed in, such as that fire burns.)  Scientists have proved that, aerodynamically, a bee should not be able to fly. Of course, no one has told the bee that!  Just recently, I observed my neighbour's tabby cat running up a vertical garage wall. Again, that "shouldn't" be possible, but the cat didn't know that.

I remember reading in an NLP book (unfortunately I cannot remember which one) that the most important question anyone can be asked is "What do you want?"  I remember being just a little sceptical when I first read that. However, the more I think about it, the more I realise just how insightful this statement is. If we can actually work out what it is we do actually want, we can move on from there.

It is easy to drift through life without any aims, objectives or goals in mind. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there, as the Cheshire Cat said to Alice. What NLP and hypnosis can do is to allow the conscious and the subconscious to function together, find out what the person really wants and begin the process of moving in that direction.

There is no doubt that NLP received a rather bad press in the 1980s when it came to be associated with techniques used by the less reputable end of the used car market. Similarly, for many years, hypnosis was viewed with suspicion although even today it seems to be much more main stream in the USA than it does in the UK.

However, if we are thinking (as we are) of the ethical uses of such techniques, we have to be aware that we only seek to help people do what they really want to do. I am sometimes asked, for example, if I can "make" someone stop smoking. The answer to that is a clear "no" – I cannot make anyone do anything they do not actually want to do. I can, however help that person to improve his clarity of purpose.

But how does all fit in with the spiritual issues involved? Coming myself originally from a mainstream Christian background, I know that Christianity (and probably all the major world religions) seek to put the puzzles and challenges of life into a meaningful context. Jesus said that he had come to give life and give life abundantly. He healed many people who were sick, not only physically but mentally. It is God's purpose for us to be well and not ill. Indeed, Jesus went even further and told his disciples that they would be able to do greater things even than he had. This was a very radical statement. It is something the mainstream Christian church has not yet come to terms with.

Of course, a great deal of what has just been said will clash with our rational minds. If we cannot make sense of something then it doesn't make sense – at least this is the way in which Western society has thought since the beginning of the Age of Reason. We have had a long love affair with reason and tend, culturally, to believe that reason must always triumph over feelings and intuition. If it cannot be measured, we assume only too quickly that it does not exist. (Actually Charles Dickens wrote his novel "Hard Times" to ridicule people, known at that time as "determinists" who believed that everything could, sooner or later, be measured!)

Yet, the mediaeval mystics were able to recognise that something can be "true" without there being scientific proof. I can believe that the Genesis account of creation is "true" from a theological and spiritual point of view yet I can also accept that an evolutionary scientist also produces a different version of creation that is "true". If both sides in the creation argument could see that, a great deal of human energy would be saved!

In the developing world, some amazing things have taken place even in my own lifetime. This is because people in some of these cultures believe that the words of Jesus are actually true. There are amazing modern accounts of healings through faith, even accounts of people being raised from the dead. This is more than we can take in the Western world.  We often block the power of the spirit with our chilly rationalism. In Capernaum, even Jesus could do no mighty works because of the unbelief of the people.

Spiritually, we need to be able to tap into our mystical and intuitive sense in a new way – or else rediscover the older way. It seems (to me) that the world is full of "religion" yet is spiritually parched. There is an old Gospel hymn that has the chorus "I will pour waters on him that is thirsty" There is such a need for a time of refreshing today among all the great world religions.

As a registered hypnotherapist, I know that even in a light trance, it is possible to access our true desires even, dare I say, to regress into past lives. In fact our most useful state is that area of light trance – such as when we awake in the morning. People such as Thomas Edison and Winston Churchill were able to put themselves easily into that state and came up with their best solutions as a result. In the Old Testament, many of the prophets went into trance-like states. It is said that the famous Anthony of Padua could, in such a state, bilocate, i.e. be in two places at once. Saint Teresa of Avila could get into such an ecstatic state that she actually levitated and the other nuns had to hold her down!

I believe that, in the western world, our religions have become far too cognitive. Certainly where I live, in Scotland, in centuries past it was very important to know what people "thought" from a doctrinal point of view – with much less importance being placed on what they did or how they practiced, far less how they felt.

Alasdair Bothwell Gordon

Aberdeen, Scotland (UK)


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Wiccan Studies

Rev. Robert Heyer

The Wiccan Studies Course was interesting and informative. I think it is important for every Christian to have an understanding of all religions and religious practices. Many Christian's speak out against Wicca from a preconceived notion of its beliefs and practices. Others refuse to accept Wicca as a religion and refuse to accept its tenants as conforming to an organized system of beliefs. This course, though very elementary, gives a good basic understanding of the core of syncretism practices that come under the heading of Wicca.

One important false premise I held, was that Wicca was an ancient religion. This is not the case at all and is traced only back as far as the Middle of the last Century. The belief in an earlier date is attributed to the, now debunked, work of folklorist Margret Murray. Her publications that traced a European "Witch Cult" were interesting, but found to be incorrect by mainstream anthropologists. Modern Wicca is traced back to the work of one man Gerald Gardner. Much of his claims for contact with hereditary witch covens were later found to be invented. In fact most of the religion he created was borrowed or invented. As a supplement to the course I read Fifty Years of Wicca by Frederick Lamond. The books paints are rather unflattering picture of Gerald Gardner and his problems with the truth. It was interesting to see that the majority of Wiccan practices are taken directly from rituals but the old hermetic groups of the Nineteenth Century. In fact at the Museum of Witchcraft located at Gardner's old residence drawings have been found from manuals of Alaster Crowley's group called the Argentum Astrum (silver star) that show every tool and practice used in Gardner's Wicca. It is obvious he borrowed heavily from Crowley's works in his more sanitized form of occult practice he named Wicca. Of great interest was to read of Gardner's fetish for self flagellation that led him to add scourging to ritual practice of Wicca.

Wicca uses Old English in many of its important religious documents such as the Wiccan Rede and rituals that lend to the atmosphere of an ancient origin, but no Book of Shadows has been found that dates further back than the 1950's. Many practitioners claim ancient hereditary roots in the "old religion", but can offer little proof of the claim other than the occasional folk magic practices with some member of the family.

Modern Wiccans are often falsely accused of being in league with the devil. This is not true as there is no devil in the Wiccan pantheon. Instead they worship a variety of dualistic gods and goddesses tied to ancient religions past, again attempting to give a ancient history to their practices. Most are unaware of the writings of Gardner, Farrar, and Cunningham and accept teachings from modern books are being ancient.

Many Wiccan's claim to have no connection to any bad practice commonly assessed to witchcraft such as human sacrifice or animal abuse. The sad fact is most are unaware of the history of their religion and its origins. They have no problem chanting goddess chants calling ancient goddesses to come, yet are oblivious that many of these goddesses and gods required animal and even human sacrifice. They blindly deny that they would condone such behavior yet will sing songs to Iananna, Ashara, Ishtar, or Astarte all of which at some point were sacrificial deities.

In its defense modern Wiccans practice an earth friendly religions that has no connections to the ancient religions of the gods and goddesses they invoke. There are two main type of Wiccan believer the first being the young teen that finds dabbling in witchcraft exciting and titillating. It is their attempt to control their fate and have power over others in a very confusing and difficult time of life. Few of these go on to become adult practitioners. The adults that practice are for the most part like any other new age followers looking for control in a life that not always been kind. Some are very sincere and pursue their religion in earnest.

From the course it is clear that the practices of Wicca are not harmful to anyone, but are totally unacceptable for Christians. The practice of spell craft and divination are important parts of Wicca. Also the worship of other gods and goddesses is expressly forbidden for Christians. It was amusing to see that one of the many branches of this eclectic religion call themselves Christian Wiccans. As many of the practices of Wicca are clearly forbidden by the Bible, I am not sure how they reconcile their beliefs.

I recommend this course to others studding to become Christian Clergy. Knowledge is a wonderful thing and as Christians we should seek an understanding of other religions. A knowledge of Wicca is necessary for every Christian counselor as they will almost all encounter teen dabblers and adult practitioners in their pastoral care work. It is much better to council with knowledge then to just accept all that is commonly said about this small, but well known religion.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chaplaincy Studies

As a Master's level professional counselor who has worked for years in mental health crisis intervention, I had some difficulty revisiting concepts and techniques that I use everyday. The text relies heavily on anecdotal examples of the concepts and tasks of the pastor in crisis situations. Because of this I found it somewhat repetitive and sometimes oversimplified. But, perhaps because of the repetition, I had little difficulty understanding the intent of the writer and the concepts being presented. What is new to me is the view of crisis from the perspective of the minister.

As I stated above, I have been a crisis intervention counselor for many years but never from the role of minister or chaplain. I can see immediately that I may have to work very hard to understand and compartmentalize my roles in some situations. Within my professional community I am known as a mental health first responder. In my capacity as a chaplain I must be aware that there is the possibility of role confusion by others. One way I can "show" in which capacity I am functioning is to wear my "chaplaincy" attire. Another is displaying my "CHAPLAIN" badge. My biggest challenge will be to separate these roles in practice.

Dr. Switzer breaks down pastoral crisis management into a few separate but equally important areas. In this approach he is able to distinguish what is and what is not part of the job. Again, relying heavily on anecdotes and personal examples, he is able to present these concepts in a workable and easily understandable fashion.

Before we put ourselves "out there" as a care provider, we must have a sound spiritual as well as specialized knowledge base. Not to do so puts others at risk of further injury and crisis. A caring individual knows what his/her limitations are and has a firm grasp on what is being asked of them. We must ask and answer the question, "What makes me a caring person?". Is it enough to just want to be helpful? Well, sometimes this is enough. Filling sandbags during a flood requires little more than a strong back and a willingness to help. Almost everyone can help out at a food pantry in some capacity or another. But to promote ones self as a spiritual leader and helper to those in crisis requires much more.

First of all, we must adopt the rule to, at the very least, do no harm! This comes from the medical Hippocratic Oath and for good reason. When we are asked to intervene in a crisis situation we are being asked to be helpful, not to cause more problems. A crisis situation is not the time to evangelize or criticize someone for past behaviors. We must also know our limitations. I like to think of myself as an educated man. However, I have very little understanding of some other faiths and there rites and rituals. I would be less than helpful for me to try to assist in the death rites of a faith that is foreign to me. In that situation the but practice would for me to offer compassion on a personal level while helping the family connect with a practitioner of their faith. It would be very important to ask the family what they need from me, knowing that I respect them and their faith.

Addressing crises in hospital environments is my forte'. But my experience in this area is limited to the role of mental health crisis first responder and counselor.

However, in this capacity I have had the opportunity to witness the chaplains in their work with the same families. I found that they had one special function that I was not comfortable using, Prayer. The ability to offer a grieving family or patient a prayer is far and away more valuable in most situations than all of the explanations about the illness or treatments any doctor or mental health counselor could provide during the emergency. Everyone brings some form of belief system to the table. Some may have a deep faith in God and practice it in their daily lives. Some may not be able to put a name or face on what they believe, but they may feel very strongly that what they believe is correct, even if what they believe is that there is no God at all. In these cases it becomes the role of the chaplain to offer an ear to the sadness and anger of those effected.

A chaplain will also be called upon to assist in crises of faith. When that happens the individual chaplain must be strong in his beliefs if he is to be able to assist those who are experiencing a period of weakness. A chaplain who is unsure of his faith will not be effective in helping others.

A lot of content is dedicated to what is (or could be) appropriate to do and say in hospitals, hospices, and when attending to the dying. I found this information both accurate and appropriate to this discussion. Many times I have witnessed a minister taking on the role of advocate in their attempts to minister to the sick, injured, or dying patient. This is almost never the role of a minister or chaplain. To do so is to tell the medical and nursing staff that they are inept and incapable of making the correct decisions on behalf of the patient. It is of vital importance to remember the scope and limitations of the role of chaplain. It is never appropriate to second guess the doctors or to recommend a course of treatment. It is always appropriate to support the patient and family as they make difficult decisions and to offer the spiritual perspective to those decisions.

Conclusion: Pastoral Care Emergencies is a well thought out and presented text book for those of us who are contemplating entering the world of the crisis intervention chaplain. It addresses the general issues of faith as a tool of healing and the specific functions and responsibilities of the chaplain in emergency situations. The text deals with some "do's and don't" when attending in a hospital of other medical environment. As a practitioner of mental health crisis intervention in these venues, I found this information both accurate and complete. This text helped me to put into perspective the differing roles of crisis intervention counselor and chaplain, and how I will be challenged to keep these roles separate in familiar settings.

Rev. Robert Shand


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Chaplaincy Studies

Linda Muhammad
Master of Chaplaincy

This course began by describing what a chaplain was and how chaplaincy began. A chaplain is a minister; however his ministry is out in the community instead of in a stationary building. A chaplain is the epitome of the workplace minister. The chaplain is truly the minister who is out in the highways and byways of life ministering to the needs of the people in the community setting. It was interesting to note that monks were some of the early chaplains. The monks often traveled from place to place and used signs to help the community find the various meeting places. They met in places that the community knew and they went to the community to meet their spiritual needs, much like the modern day chaplain. I found this course to be insightful. Most of the information was review, however the majority of the information I received as though a long time mentor was passing on needed information. One of the first items of discussion in the course was "The Call". The call is a term used to describe the awakening one receives from God to reach others with the good news of the Gospel. It is that innate desire within one to minister to others. The discussion of the call was such a confirmation for me. The call is a call from God for one to be God's representative on the earth. Those who are chosen to do the work of God have usually felt different, set apart, and we are, "We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood "as stated in the bible. I have always felt different and set apart and had a desire to help others. This feeling began early in my life, as I am sure other ministers have felt the same way. There has always been a knowing in my spirit that I was here for a divine purpose, and with that purpose was the obligation to live a consecrated life.
There is the saying in the bible, "To whom much is given much is required", this statement really relates to ministers. The qualities that a chaplain requires were also addressed in this course. Some of these qualities were described as follows:
  • Compassion
  • Caring
  • To be a good listener
  • To be available and attentive to those who need your help
  • To be accepting
  • To be genuine
  • To keep those items discussed private and recorded information in a secure place.
Chaplains are now available in hospitals, armed forces, nursing homes, in the prison setting, and truck stops. The need and the setting in which chaplains serve is ever evolving. I am sure that the future will bring many more opportunities to serve in various settings within our communities. Just as religion puts ministers in a box sometimes, it is our responsibility as chaplains, to think out of the box and be creative in meeting the needs of God's people. Chaplains can also serve employees in the various setting also, and those who have been hit by devastation and disaster. It is the job of the chaplain to come alongside those in need as a spiritual friend and guide.

In almost all of the settings in which a chaplain may serve it is important for the chaplain to be accepting and respectful to those of different religious beliefs. It is not our job to push our religious ideals, however when asked we can talk openly about our beliefs. It is also important for chaplains to have a working knowledge of the different religious groups or world religions. Our job is to serve, regardless of the person's religious persuasion. Studying various coursed with ULC Seminary has helped me to be open to others of a different religious view than mine. I personally feel that I am to live my life as an ambassador for Christ, and that the way I live my life will draw others to Christ. I am to be prepared to describe the hope I have and the peace I have obtained by dedicating my life to Christ. This is my personal walk, but I honor those who have chosen another path.

Burnout often happens to those who serve and give to others, especially ministers. As ministers we freely give to others, we pour out what God has given to us. However if you keep pouring out the vessel will soon be empty, and this can affect any minister. We also have to take the time to feel the vessel, with love, rest compassion, fun, and balance. We, as chaplains are the vessel, and we have to care for ourselves first in order to care for others. It is imperative for the chaplain to set healthy limits for those whom you work with and serve. Things such as having set office hours, set visiting hours, taking breaks and vacations are all ways to take care of you, while serving others. Taking care of your personal temple, through exercise, eating healthy foods, taking time for solace and prayer helps those we serve, because it helps the minister lead the life God has called him to.

Finally, it is important to be aware that there will be those we serve who may try to manipulate a minister and certain situations to meet their need. Setting appropriate limits, confronting in a compassionate manner, being wise and open are all appropriate interventions to handle manipulation. There are definitely tools to our trade prayer, a relationship with the living God, a good listening ear; love and compassion for others are some of the tools needed for the trade of chaplaincy. A chaplain has to stay true to himself, his or her God, their families, and the community in which they serve. It is imperative to live an ethical life that is worthy of the high calling from the most High God. As chaplains we need to avoid those situations that may cause needles controversy.

A chaplain, in my opinion, is one of the major foot soldiers in the army of God. It is an honor and a privilege to be used for the work of God on the earth. I think the author of this course did an excellent job of providing information that was very concise and organized. I could definitely use the information provided for reference material. There was many thought provoking topics discussed. I sincerely hope that taking this course will add validity to me as a minister and a chaplain. In order for ULC ministers to be taken seriously we have to be educated and confident in whom we are. Our relationship with God is of course the most important thing, but after that is to be prepared for the high calling he has called us to. That preparation comes from study, application, and training. As stated in the word of God we must study to show ourselves approved.


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Spiritual Development

How could I, myself, ever have hoped to counsel others with their spiritual development when I realized that I was carrying around a core of anger and spiritual wounds within me? What is that quote - physician, heal thyself? I knew that I could not be the source of spiritual solace for others until I came to terms with my own spiritual unrest. In short, I had to grow from the tantrummy little girl I saw in the mirror.

The task and journey that were not evil for my avatar, took a long time in coming. I saw myself in so many ways and turned to my ULC readings. But a question lingered: why people don't heal?  I realized that there is no true healing until we heal ourselves. To carry around an imagined or real spiritual wound holds us back from the core of development.

Confronting that inner pain is one of the most difficult tasks anyone could ever have, but once confronted, we can grieve over it, and then give it a proper burial. To me, that is step one on the path to spiritual development. The key lies in not holding grudges and also in determining if we ourselves played any part in the wounding process. Many times a wound lies in a perception of something said or done.

As we put those wounds to their much-needed rest, we conquer another step to the inner meaning of our souls through our spiritualistic development. It starts from the beginning: we are all in essence children. And we grow, little by little. Every bit of enlightenment is another step in this development.

Sometimes we have to gently confront a person who has been part of the problem. I say gently because an angry confrontation increases the damage and lets the original hurt fester.

We must get past these things to continue treading the path of true spirituality. No matter how we worship - Catholic, Buddhist, Protestant, etc. - the light at the end of the tunnel is the great Spiritual Being we seek, in whose love we wish to bask. It is also our duty to help others around us come to this realization so that they too may reach that enlightened spiritual state.

One thing that can impede us - our collective unconscious. It's a huge filing cabinet and it's filled with stored memories. This Collective Unconscious is so important to spiritual development because it contains the essence of many things that define each of us. I personally believe that the Collective Unconscious spurs a lot of spontaneous reactions that we cannot later explain, except by saying "I don't know why I said/did that, I just had this feeling about him/her/the situation." This is why it is essential that we confront our own spiritual weaknesses and pain, so that we can dissect them to their essence, deal with them, and heal ourselves. We can't help others to heal until we ourselves have confronted our own demons. Healing isn't always easy but we need to keep in mind that we are in a state of grace and it is that grace which is the balm for our souls. And once we confront these wounds and begin to heal, we can help others to begin their healing processes. And from there, to move on to developing the strong spirits they always had within them, but which were covered by their inner blanket of hurt.

Rev. Rita S Milo


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Four Gospels

Final Essay Rev. Anna M. Pohl

We were asked to write our final essay for this course on one subject that either stumped or really affected us. One, really? Wow! There is no shortage of topics that impress, stop and surprise you in the Gospels. It is no easy task to say "this one is the one that hit me."

For instance there is the idea of "Blaspheme against the Father and you will be forgiven, Blaspheme against the Son and you will be forgiven, Blaspheme against the Spirit and you will not be forgiven." This is so poignant for us here at the seminary and so true. You cannot escape your true self, what you really are in God.

Then take the profoundness of our being one in God. The fact that Love is what we are and reverence is how we express our authentic selves, this being made clear over and over again through out the Four.

It could be the herbology of using mud to cure the sightless, with it's obvious example of how we as humans so often need a physical show of greatness. Or perhaps the real way that Jesus shares our humanity though his proverbial shaking of his head at the stubborn blindness of his own students.

I find it almost impossible to keep my mind to only one subject. Yet I suppose there are two things lately that still remain mainstays as I mull over the course. The first is my now even more firm belief that if we are truly honest with ourselves we would have to admit that we can not be a total devout follower of the Old Testament and then swear by the teachings of the New. However, we were not asked to make this comparison here and so I will go with my second choice. My essay follows.

Jesus said on divorce; Mathew Chapter 19 page 41 in our book

"Moses in view of the hardness of your hearts allowed you to divorce your wives but it wasn't like that in the beginning. I tell you that whoever divorces his wife for anything but whoring and marries another is living in adultery."

Mark Chapter 10 page 93 adds a bit here and there but it's basically the same throughout out the Gospels.

This is a particularly thought provoking point and one that Christians and Non Christians alike might benefit from considering.

So what is this "hardness of heart that Jesus refers to. What is it that made it impossible for our predecessors to connect to one another much less to one person as a spouse? Why was there a permission given for divorce and what is the difference Jesus is pointing out?

I think the issue is two fold; however it is over all a case and issue of knowledge. The first point however is what has been referred to as the five sensory human. And the second point is that these unions/marriages were not of the Spirit or God to begin with.

The first part of this "Because of the hardness of your hearts" isn't just referring to a person who is difficult. Jesus isn't just saying you are a hard heated person. He is referring to what we call the five sensory human. I obviously did not coin the phrase. This refers to a person or persons who live by their physical senses, their personality and base instincts. This is a person whose experiences and physical life define who they are. This person is not aware that they are living a limited existence, often completely devoid of the Spirit. Yes a person like this may have a sense, as it were, that there is more on some level, but they are not aware fully authentic beings living from the soul. In this case the limitations cause anger, bitterness, competition and arrogance and result in intolerance, cruelty and brutality that cause an overall "Strongest Survive" mentality.

This is a human animal existence and so it is also a human animal union or marriage. These people do not marry out of knowledge that they are sentient, spirit filled individuals coming together and connected by God's Love. They marry for hundreds of other reasons but it can be most defiantly argued that this is not what Jesus meant by a Godly or God made union. It is wholly man made, man chosen and man executed. It is a physical world agreement even at it's best.

And so in a world created in cruelty and lived out in fear no wonder divorce became common. Sounds a lot like today doesn't it?

This leads to the second part of the issue. If this is not a Godly union what is?

In order for a union a marriage to be that union "what God has put together let no one put asunder" THAT union, it must in the first place be Of God. But what does that mean? How? Why is it different, apart from the former?

First and foremost there are two people who are developed, for whatever reason, to a state of spiritual knowledge. They are living from a soul awareness, sacredness. They know they are of the Spirit and because of this God somehow considers them as ready. This may be because of their experience or the self work they've done, a tragedy or other happening that changes them and in rare cases they are born to it.

In any case these people understand, they are aware, that this coming together is a far different relationship from the first. This is not a Love at first sight, addicted to your energy, romantic fantasy. This is unique. This is quite literally God putting two souls in the same place at the same time for purpose. When these two people are together the world stops and watches, the energy lightens and prayers are answered. This happens not because the two individuals are so great or so beautiful but because the Love they are, they become, IS. They are the manifestation of balance, appreciation and reverence with God. As it is in Heaven so should it be on Earth.

This may sound strange to some, however I know it. I've seen it. It is truth. This is a true marriage. This is a Godly union of souls manifested through the two humans. "The three strand cord". This can not be taken lightly. What God has created, indeed.

Now think of what Jesus said. Our hearts were hard. Our hearts are hard. As one who has been divorced I relate to this.

So, what is the real point here? It's a point of knowledge. When we don't or can't know who and what we are we hurt each other. We separate ourselves from each other and we are not one with each other. We live by our gut but not the Spirit. But when we know that we are the cells of Gods body, when we realize we are souls and we have the epiphany that those souls can, will and do literally come together and make one soul, well that is another matter. This is why Jesus made such a point. This is why it is the only Old Testament Commandment he addresses directly with his students and why his New Commandments are what they are.

Let's not forget what it says about how Jesus Loved. "…He Loved them to Perfection"

Because whether in a marriage union or a union of souls it is all for the glory of the One.

I have enjoyed this course enormously. God Bless you for the seminary and for you Amy. You have given us great work.


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change.

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