Separate Church and state is the general message I'm getting from this lesson. Let us take a look at this throughout the years and discover the many times that Church and state have been acclimated together. Jesus Himself said "Render unto Cesar that which is Cesar's, render unto God My Father that which is his." He was saying in my mind that there will always be a Governing factor over mankind weather in a schoolyard "cowboys and Indians" playing or a countrywide lead by a Governing body. Someone will be "elected" to be the leader of the group even if very impromptu and unofficial. However no matter what the Governing body make certain to pay your respects to this particular body but make time for God as you can and keep Him in a special place in your mind. Throughout the years many differing forces have tried to place either too much emphasis on a "Goodly" presence or tried to eradicate said images from monies, Pledges, club slogans etc. There will always be an influence of a religious presence within our times I believe and we should know how to keep them properly separate in our own ways each one. The course itself has given me a vast knowledge of many considerations of Head and Heart. Am I now truly a "Master Of Religion?" I believe that now I have a better handle on a lot of "The Big Questions" that folks ask about some issues in their own quests. I feel this course covered a wide area of Biblical and Worldly subjects and should be kept as a major part of the curriculum to obtain ones Graduation certificate. This teaches one to be able to read, write and study better with the resources given as well as have opinions from fellow Seminary students and fellow forum posters to take home with them so they can broaden their own knowledge base as well as see another viewpoint. I truly hope that as I continue on in the courses I can become a stronger force and gain the knowledge it takes to make me a better person all around. I truly say unto you as ever to please continue to Take Care and Be Well and that all your days shall be filled with nothing but Grace, Peace, and Love. -------------------- Pastor Leo Merchant ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link! As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Universal Life Church
Online sermons, Sunday school and other interesting readings.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Christian Studies
Religious Philosophy
Master of Religious Philosophy
by Rev. JoAnna Duguay
The entire time reading each chapter, I always came back to the same question: Can religion really be a "Religious Philosophy." Philosophy is about critical thinking and I do not believe religion, in any form, is critical thinking. Religion, after-all, is a belief in something higher than yourself based on faith and faith alone, with no science or evidence what-so-ever. It's a feeling! I am not doubting faith, it's a very powerful tool and has saved countless lives and has transformed people from "nothing" to "Something" in the eyes of God. But what about it makes it Philosophical? Can you really debate with your Nazarene friend why you as a Baptist believe "once saved always saved" is God's way and the Nazarene belief of "you can loose your salvation," is the wrong way? Philosophy is about no right or wrong. Religion is about one and only one faith being right, but which one is right? Is it even possible for one belief system to be the only way? Chapter 23 deals with Religion and Science and whether or not they can ever fit together. While Religion today is certainly trying to incorporate bits of Science in to their belief in God, I doubt it will ever be able to merge Science completely because every form of Religion out there has faith at it's core. You can't prove that faith in God means God exist. Nor can you prove with Science that God does not exist. There will always be some element of "unknown" in the Scientific research.
In Chapter 3 the topic of organized religions was discussed and made me realized just how far we have changed the definition of "religion" and just what belief is all about. The fact that since everyone does not believe 100% like their neighbor means we have over six billion different beliefs systems. This could make you feel either encouraged or disheartened. Encouraged because we are all unique in our beliefs or you can believe, as I do, this is discouraging. Mostly because each or us tends to think "our way" is the right way. Mormons believe their religion is the only way, Christians believe their way is the only way, and then you have Islam, Buddhism, Taoist, etc. All truly, emphatically believe their way is the only way. Humanity has this desperate need to belong to something and will look for ways to join some religion, organization or whatever it is that closely matches their own belief system.
One of the chapters talked about the future of Religion. This is such a great question especially in today's economic down turn. What I have found amazing is how, today, religious leaders or political leaders who are Christians can change their moral stance on an issue simply because of the economy. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now he believes it's ok to legalize marijuana because it will bring money in to his devastated California economy. A few years ago, it was morally wrong. Just who are the real believers anyway? There was article in the Orlando Sentinel a few weeks back about the Churches that are growing are the one's NOT talking about sin, hell and the apocalypse. The feel good kind of Religion is what is selling now.
God is either jumping up and down now because we are no longer judging our brothers and sisters, or he is hanging His head in shame because we have walked so so far away from Him.
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.
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The ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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Christian Studies
The Four Gospels
Rev. Bradley ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link. Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Universal Life Church Seminary
Master of Shamanism program Written by Bishop Pat
Rev. Sharon Elain Sutton
What I have learned from this program
I have learned that there is a lot of discussion and opinion on what a shaman is. The word itself is rooted in the word šaman from the Tungus people in central Asia. The shaman, is a mystical, priestly, and political figure emerging during the Upper Palaeolithic period and perhaps going back to Neanderthal times, can be described not only as a specialist in the human soul but also as a generalist whose sacred and social functions can cover an extraordinarily wide range of activities. Shamans are healers, seers, and visionaries who have mastered death. They are in communication with the world of gods and spirits. Their bodies can be left behind while they fly to unearthly realms. They are poets and singers. They dance and create works of art. They are not only spiritual leaders but also the judges and politicians, sacred and secular.
They are familiar with cosmic as well as physical geography; they know the ways of plants and animals, and the elements. They are psychologists, entertainers, and food finders. Above all, however shamans are technicians of the sacred and masters of ecstasy. The ancients knew and experienced that there is an energy normally invisible, which connects all that exists, and they lived with the knowledge of this energy and how to use it. This concept of the inter-relationship and understanding that man is a part of nature, not separate to it. "What befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself."
Animism is the belief that everything has a soul or spirit, an anima in Latin, including animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, and stars. Animists believe each anima is a powerful spirit that can help or hurt them and are to be worshiped or feared or in some way attended to. Animism is a primitive religion whose adherents have for thousands of years deified animals, stars, and idols of any kind, and practiced spiritism, witchcraft, divination and astrology. They use magic, spells, enchantments, superstitions, amulets, talismans, charms, or anything that they believe will help to protect them from the evil spirits and placate the good spirits that are found everywhere in everything.
This course has helped me in my own spiritual path. Like the elements of animism are present in many false religions including Hinduism, Mormonism and all New Age cults. False religion always teaches in some way that the spirit within human beings is really God and the practices of the religion will help us to realize this and develop the god-spirit so that we, too, may be God. This is the same old lie Satan has been propagating since the garden of Eden when he tempted Adam and Eve by telling them "you shall be as God".
The Bible states unequivocally that there is one God and everything else, from the angels in heaven to the grains of sand on the beach, was created by Him. Any religion that teaches there is more than one god is teaching a lie. Before Me there was no god formed, and there will be none after Me and I am the Lord and there is no other; besides Me there is no god. The worship of false gods, who are really not gods at all, is a sin God especially hates because it robs Him of the glory that is rightfully His. A check of any Bible concordance on the subject of idolatry will show how many times God forbid the worship of false gods.
In addition, the Bible strictly forbids the practices of the animists. A man or a woman who is a medium or a wizard shall be put to death; they shall be stoned with stones, their blood shall be upon them. Such practices are open doors for demons to enter into the lives and souls of people who are deceived by the lie that is animism. The Bible condemns those who practice such things in very strong terms: abominations to God, stone them to death, the fire shall burn them.
As with all false religion, animism is simply another scheme of Satan, the father of lies. Yet many throughout the world are being deceived by the adversary, the devil, [who] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Through this program I have learned much about shamans some good some bad. But over all I'm glad I took the study program It has been very informative.
Reverend Sharon Elain Sutton********************************************
To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link!
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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Friday, September 4, 2009
Christian Studies
The Four Gospels Course I was most comforted by the acts of faith. The most wonderful part of those acts was that each individual was made whole in some way. There was the ruler who believed that his daughter…who had just died…would live again if Jesus were to intervene. Jesus went to see the "dead" girl, took her hand, and she got up. (Mt. 9:18-25) Then there was the woman with a bleeding disorder. She believed that she would be healed if she could just touch Jesus' cloak. She managed to get close enough to Jesus so that she could touch his clothing. The woman was instantly healed of a medical condition that had plagued her for twelve long years. (Mt. 9:20-22) Jesus said, "…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Mt. 17: 20) As you know, Jesus spoke in parables or religious stories. He was not teaching us that we can literally move mountains. He was telling us that through faith we can move the obstacles that block our path. Without faith, we will not be able to see our way out of our trials and tribulations. We cannot move our mountains without faith. It doesn't require a lot. You simply need faith the size of a mustard seed. He was teaching us that faith is essential in our Christian life. When you have a moment, go online and look up the words "mustard seed." You will be amazed at their minuscule size. You will then fully understand what Jesus requires of you. There is also another aspect to the exercise of faith, and the subsequent healings that took place. In both cases, an effort was made to seek out Jesus. Each individual had the requisite faith; however, neither sat back and waited for a miracle! The ruler sought out Jesus in the crowd, and the woman fought the crowd to reach Him. Had the ruler stayed at home, his little girl would have been dead and buried. Had the woman stayed at home, she would have continued to bleed. What does this mean for us? The bible teaches us that you must make an effort when you want something to happen in your life. When I was a little girl sitting in church I always heard, the Saints say, "You make one step and He'll make two. " Get up! Go and get what you need. Use your faith, pray, and ask God for what you need, and then claim it as yours! "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Mt. 7:7) In summary, these are the steps you must take: (1) Pray and ask God to give you what you need; (2) Exercise your faith and claim that what you have asked for is yours; (3) Receive your blessings! Just say this to yourself when life becomes difficult, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Php. 4:13) May God bless each and every one of you in all of your endeavors. Rev. D. Borum, J.D., D.D. ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link! As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Why I became ordained
The most powerful of what grievances I hold against myself is my past failure to come to terms with my severe mental illness. The problem I found in discussing this with another is that they do not fully comprehend the damage I have created in others lives, most importantly in my wife and children's lives. I have come to terms with my mental illness, yet I am unable to shake the self deprecation over it. If nothing else, from the experiences of my life, I have developed an innate sense of how to approach a fellow mentally ill person. I have a strong level of sensitivity, and empathy for those who are struggling with diseases of the mind. I also have found myself able to help a fellow travelers to shed the cloak of shame, isolation and denigration that our society lays upon those who have been effectively branded with the with the label of mental illness. These and other experiences are difficult to another convey as it was this time. I am told either that mental illness is a farce or that people like me appear to be quite fine. As usual, the person I shared with came across with that I seem to be a better person for it, which is true. Yet they just do not seem to be able to connect beyond that unless they themselves or a family member are so challenged. the last lesson I have learned is that there must first be hope, for without hope the process of healing cannot and will not begin. I have a simple prayer that I say every night. Grandfather, give me the strength to travel another day's journey, show me the path to follow and the strength to do your works. Amen Rev. James******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Gnosticism Course
Master of Gnosticism Final Essay Dennis W. Zerull I would once again thank the ULC Seminary for offering this most informative course and Bishop Pat Schwab for his obviously long study and research to author this the Master of Gnosticism discourses. Bishop Schwab no doubt has spent many hours which equates to months and even years of study and devotion to the the history and linage of Gnostic works. He has brought to us a most enlightening and somewhat difficult study which at times can tire the mind with the unlimited possibilities of the Gnostic writings of past history and what the present Gnostics are practicing in order to find the ultimate truth. I believe there is no doubt that there is some gnosis or gnostic believe in most of today's modern religions. There also cannot be a question that most religions have some form mysticism in their respective doctrines for which as the course describes began with designation for certain dualistic religious and philosophical perspectives that existed prior to Christianity and for the specific systems of belief characterized by these ideas, which emerged in the second century and later. Although the radical conclusions of some scholars regarding a highly developed pre-Christian Gnosticism have been discounted, I believe it does seem clear that there were many ideas, assumptions and perceptions about deity, reality and relationships of person to gods and the world that were incorporated into the gnostic sects from outside Hellenistic sources. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library are of course the most famous literary discoveries that have supported these ideas. The classic view as this course points out, is of the heretical gnostic sects as distortions of Christianity by Hellenistic thought has much strength because it easily demonstrated how the gnostics could use the New Testament texts, bending them to their purposes as is demonstrated in 1 Cor. 3:1-4 where Paul chides the Corinthian Christians for being "people of the flesh" or carnal when they should be spiritual. This text could with ease be used as the foundation for supporting the Hellenistic idea of the superiority of certain persons in the Christian community. This classic explanation does have and leaves some problems unsolved. Little doubt exists that there are ideas, attitudes and practices incorporated into many so called "gnostic heresies "that are found outside of the Greek thought and much earlier than the second century of the Christian era. In particular, the ultimate goal of the gnostics to return to the absolute deity beyond matter and to be in some sense absorbed into the deity belongs to near eastern mystical thought and not primarily to the Hellenistic world which dates pre-christian mystical thought. Gnosticism however is important because of its emergence in schools of thought within the church in the early second century and soon established itself as a way of understanding Christianity in all of the church's principle centers. Of course the church was torn by what I must assume, heated debates over the issues which eventually led to alternative churches and belief systems to be viewed by the church as heretical and a threat not only to it's doctrine but also it's leaders. As many as opposed it there were such leaders as Irenaeus, Tertullian and Hippolytus who wrote volumes of text against it as is also pointed out in this course many times. Gnosticism is also important for interpreting certain features of the New Testament as they divided Christians into groups, usually the spiritual and the carnal. the spiritual Christians were in a special class or higher class than the ordinary Christians because they had received, as the elect of the good deity that allowed them to be redeemed and belonged to the heavenly world that was the true one. No wonder this resulted in some gnostics seeking to withdraw from the word in asceticism. Other gnostic systems took this as an opportunity to practice antinomianism or the belief that moral law does not apply and is not valid for a person or group. the claim of course was that spiritual Christians are not responsible for what they did and could not really sin because their fleshy existence was not part of God's plan. Thus they could act in any way they pleased. I conclude that the gnostics thought faith was inferior to knowledge. The true sons of the absolute deity were saved through knowledge rather than faith. This was the feature of the various systems that gave the movements its designation. They were the gnostics, the knowers. Yet what this precise knowledge was it quite vague. It is more perception of one's own existence that solves life's mysteries for the gnostic than it was a body of doctrine. Ultimately it was self discovery each gnostic had and still has to experience. I have mentioned this statement and lesson that I have learned before in other essay's that I have written but must emphasize it again. Among all the living creatures studied by modern scientists, only human beings can be said with absolute certainty to have been endowed with the ability to make deliberate choices about the directions of our lives and also to decide whether those choices will lead us to transitory happiness or into the realm of a lasting peace and well-being. It seems that we are wired for temporary happiness genetically but are also gifted with the ability to recognize within ourselves a more profound and lasting sense of confidence, peace and well-being. We also appear to stand alone in our ability to recognize the necessity to forge a bond between emotion and reason and an instinct to survive. And so we create a universe not only for ourselves but also for all creatures who feel pain, fear and suffering in which we are all somehow able to coexist with contentment and peace. The universe already exists, even if we don't know it at the present time or even realize it. My belief is that only through resting mind can we recognize it and also realize that we are not our thoughts not our feelings and not our perceptions. Everything I have learned as a Buddhist and everything I have learned about modern science and studies in this seminary tells me that humans beings are more than just their bodies. Thoughts, feelings and perceptions are functions of the body and thus will at some point will pass as do all things. Ultimately happiness comes down to choosing between the discomfort of becoming aware of your mental afflictions and the discomfort of being ruled by them. When you see your own desire to be happy, you can't avoid seeing the same desire in others, and when you look clearly at your own fear, anger, or aversion you can't help but see that everyone around you feels the same fear, anger and aversion. Sometime before Buddha, Jesus and all of the great prophets dated before the Christian first century, someone had this gnosis. That person looked at his or hers mind and realized that all the imaginary differences between themselves and others automatically dissolved when they recognized the similarities to those around them. I believe this to be true. And if this statement is true than we all have some gnosis in us. Ultimately we return to the source from which we came. This source may be different in perception for each of us but all paths teach us compassion, love and tolerance. This may be the lesson that the Gnostics were trying to teach us and not one of collective ego to serve a selfish purpose. ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Online Ordination, button -- Click the link! As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Wiccan Studies
Wicca Final Paper: MAGYCK...........WITCHCRAFT..........LARGE BARN FIRE, in the center of the forest........STRANGERS DANCING, around the fire..................AAAAAAAAAH, this brings forth thoughts of witches, evil spells, dead cats, HUMAN SACRIFICE!!!!!! WHAT NONSENSE. These are good, decent people, dancing and enjoying their uniqueness. The fire celebrates life. Their magyck, is simply the expression of their love and compassion for one another and humanity at large. There are no evil spells or dead anything, life is sacred to them. Everything is sacred to them. An incidentally, they don't believe in Satan either, so no Devil Worship. Kind of boring, in a happy sort of way. These folks are members of Wicca. ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link. Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar "If it cause no harm, do what thou wilt". That kind of sums it all up, really. Wicca is a peaceful religion, that seeks the Divine in everything around us. It is nature centered, and seeks to bring about a better understanding of the earth and the Divinity in nature. I loved this course. I was so taken up with it, that I found myself buying books on Wicca, because I couldn't wait for the next week's lesson, to learn more. I was so saddened at the treatment the Witches of the past had suffered. The indignities, the tortures, the lies, the Burning Times. I can't comprehend man's inhumanity, in the name of their God. To use the "I AM" as your excuse to murder and destroy lives, just doesn't cut it for me. And if someone out there, is saying, "but they thought they were doing the right thing"..........please. That excuse has been beaten to death. A person, any person, who owns a conscience, would question such an act. I am very passionate about these things. I feel God gave us a brain, and it is our responsibility to use it. Saying you were poor or illiterate or afraid, is no excuse. Many of the witches of the time, were the midwives, the healers, the teachers in their villages. They were not flying around on broom sticks, raining down bolts of lighting on the innocent towns people. Modern day members of Wicca, like their predecessors, live by a code of honor. They believe in goodness. They believe in love, instead of hatred. They believe in caring for the less fortunate. They believe in freedom. The freedom to be themselves. The freedom to worship the God/Goddess. The freedom to be allowed to live and worship as they choose. Wicca is now a recognized religion in the United States and our military men and women, are allowed to have Wicca services. These are members of our human community and perhaps, it would be a good idea for our children to be taught the truth about Paganism and Wicca. Peace, love, compassion, honor, care of nature and the environment,...........sounds good to me. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth about Wicca. I, as many others, it is sad to say, did not know anything about this religion, except what you see portrayed in films, TV, and books. People need to wake up and smell the barn fire! The embers of life are burning and they wait for no one. Get out there and read, read, read, and study, study, study. So much is out there. I am not sayings to turn your back on your church or your beliefs. But for Heaven's sake don't stop there. "If you are ignorant of the past, you are cursed to relive it." What will you do if someday, it is you and your beliefs on the line? Will you know enough to defend yourself and it? What if your child is a member of Wicca? Do you know what they believe? Thank you again for this wonderful course. May God bless all of you. Rev. Nitza Luz Melgar, ULC Minister |
Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of Thomas Dennis W. Zerull I must say that I am thrilled that the ULC Seminary has offered courses on Gnosticism and in this specific case the Gospel of Thomas. It is clear the author of this course Rev. Raymond Thompson is well read on the subject of the Gospel of Thomas and wrote this course with a great deal of passion. I greatly enjoyed his insightful humor when dealing with what can be a somewhat dry subject to those who are not as well read on this particular gospel. I very much looked forward to his discourse each week. This particular work, the Gospel of Thomas, is significant for the study of church history even though these writings are not included in the canon. It gives a sample of the ideas, convictions and serves as a point of comparison with the writings contained in the canon of the New Testament. When we study what some religious scholars call "the Apocrypha" in which the Gospel of Thomas falls under, the term "apokruphos" of course derived from the Greek translation simply means, "hidden things". It is believed that the writers of the apocryphal or Gnostic writings attempted to correct what they viewed as deficiencies in the canonical accounts and to fill the gaps they believed existed. These Gnostic Gospels were later considered heretical by the "Church", but became acceptable by a widespread and diverse religious movement with the roots of Greek philosophy and folk religion. However one can not ignore that the Gospel of Thomas according to some scholars is countered in advance by the canonical epistle of 1John, which emphasizes the gospel of Jesus Christ as the message of life, available for every person to experience. No doubt that some of the Gnostic writings were believed to be produced in an attempt to gain authority for their own particular views. No one knows for sure however, so I submit it is left up to the individual who studies the gospels to draw their own conclusions. This is best done with an open mind as to avoid egocentric debate. I do have one comment on this course and it concerns discourse # 16 ; saying # 82. Jesus said, If you are near me you are near fire. If you are far from me you are cut from the kingdom." Rev. Thompson describes the last supper in which John, "the one that Jesus loved is seated on the couch with Jesus with his head resting on Jesus' breast". Rev. Thompson gives his opinion as " do you have to be hit over the head with a club to see these two men were lovers ? That Jesus not only excepted same sex love, but actively participated in it? ". I am assuming by Rev. Thompson's description that his opinion is one in which the men had intimate sexual relations. It is my humble opinion this is not only a broad assumption but one that is made without any merit what so ever. My argument is simply this. If Jesus was truly the Son of God and was the divine it would seem completely illogical for him to give himself up to indulgence in sensual pleasure because of his right action and lack of ego. Further more if Jesus was learned and knows the teachings of God, he would understand what is worthy of consideration and what is not worthy. It further would contradict his teaching in the 87 saying " Miserable is the body that depends upon a body". Assuming that Jesus was clearly conscious in his going and coming and clearly conscious of all the physical aspects of his earthly being and clearly conscious that he is divine source between God and mankind, the only conclusion that I can draw through logic and reasoning is that Jesus casted away lust and dwells with a heart free from lust; from lust he cleanses his heart. Therefore His heart becomes free from sensual passion, craving, detachment and eventually extinction. In this state He further is free from the vain thought of man and He reaches cessation of ignorance which is a misunderstanding of reality and achieves highest, holiest wisdom. No more fear and no more desires. I hope that those who decide to take this course in the future will draw upon their own conclusions and share them with us. And like Jesus who taught openly to everyone, there is a difference in how people respond or understood his teachings. But as a humble sentient being, I emphasize that everyone is called equally to holiness and can attain it if they wish. In each individuals life there are stages of spiritual evolution starting from the state of an ordinary being and moving toward a full enlightenment, whereas in the case of Jesus, we are referring to someone who is unique, who is the Son of God. So the process of stages does not apply. His consciousness is both beginning less and endless in the terms of its continuity. So if we closely examine the teachings of Jesus, it is reasonable to ascertain that everything in the cosmos came from God, is an emanation of God, and will return to God. Perhaps a transformation of matter back into its original source. What or who God is, is something that each of us must determine for ourselves through reason and analysis. The important point is that in the context of one's own spiritual practice, faith derived from written or spoken form must be grounded in reason and understanding no matter who the author is. ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link. Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
MASTER OF GNOSTICISM BY: REVEREND KURT FONDRIEST This class enabled me once again to contemplate my own personal ideas and beliefs on spirituality. I feel that if I am moved in any way about my point of life from a class then the lessons were successful. Gnosticism makes sense to me. It is enriched in our daily lives if we allow it to do so. The idea of myself as co-creator is an empowering step and ability that I and everyone processes. We can see the world as spiritual or material. Can we see the world as both, with a centered balance? Reading the weekly lessons along with a great reference book" LIVING GNOSIS" A practical guide To Gnostic Christianity, by Tau Malachi demonstrated for me this state of flux that is always occurring. I don't believe there is a carved in stone answer to living a life of gnosis, however I was able to come to a clear understanding about this once tabooed way of thinking. The part that drew me into reflecting on my own thoughts of Gnosis was the "Sophian" gospel. This enabled me to see Yeshua as a man who was symbolic of the spiritual once he merged with the "Christo". This enabled me to say yes to my own belief that the gospels are to be experiences in our own daily life. These sets of books do me no good locked up or dismissed from the Contemporary Christian Counsel, who I see as the watch dogs on keeping the traditional esoteric belief in order. This is where Christianity for me has fallen off of the human path. Yesua was a man born with no more enlightenment then any other individual is, however he seeked the mission of life and found that life was not the mission rather the mission was of life. The way ones celebrates their divine mission to the life of living. The connection of male and feminine being in balance and harmony is seen in the life of Yesua and Mary of Magdelene is a vision of dualistic nature within each of us. These natural states of consciousness are what will enable people to be "LIGHT BEARERS''. The Church of Universal Light uses the concept as part of their tenets. I belong to this church as well and as a Holistic Minister I can see many more congregations coming back to this living of Gnosis. The symbolism created in Gnosticism is expressed for the person to understand it to the level of their belief and spirituality. The expression taught in these lessons I found to be of an eclectic verse. some of these resonated with me while others were not in sync to my level of living, however I did not dismiss their teachings since living the gospels is an experience that changes daily. All of this is based on my mental, physical and spiritual awareness at any given time on this journey. As with the course on Christian mysticism I found myself seeing Jesus and Mary as people who were learning about the "Christo" as they experienced it. I have always believed Jesus was not the exception yet the example. For me it makes natural sense that Yesua and Mary were destined to be soul mates. Each approached their destiny from different paths that brought them together. For me a good contemporary reference is the Rock Musical "JESUS CHRIST SUPER STAR" This demonstrates the life of Gnosis. It takes all the rhetoric teachings and throws it out to the simple truth. Again I found myself listening to the soundtrack of this musical as I read the lessons and the book on living Gnosis. What also I found very enlightening was how Gnosis symbolizes The Creator and Satan . It was using the dualistic elements that we as fractions of the creation of light have forgotten for some reason or another. Basically it is from Human understanding we will connect to the greatness of Creation . Not through rhetorical principles and teachings. We already know within ourselves what we hold true of the self and this is the step to be taken, I feel, to re-awaken our divine right and duty as light bearer's. These lessons inspired me to write a poem on my inspiration of Gnosis: &n bsp; CREATION "LUCIFER" HIGHEST ANGEL CROWNED WITH THE STARS BREATHS IN THE LIGHT SOUL OF ALL MEN TEACH THEM FREE WILL THE INSIGHT OF CONSCIENCE BIRTH BECOMES I LUCIFER THIS WILL CREATE SO THE SOUL OF MAN HAS A STATE I FALL FROM GRACE IS THE STORY THEY WILL WRITE SPEAK AS MY FATE CREATION SPOKE "LUCIFER" AS THE TREE OF LIFE IS BORN AS THOUGHTS ARE ANOTHER ONE OF YOU WILL BE CROWNED WITH THORNS CREATION SPOKE "JESUS" IN A GARDEN THE REFLECTION OF LUCIFER YOU WILL FIGHT COME TO KNOW THERE IS NO RIGHT CREATION SPOKE CREATION BREATHED CREATION CRIED MY SOUL OF MAN THIS GIFT IS OF LIGHT NOT WRONG NOT RIGHT CALLED FREE WILL THE OBEDIENCE CHOSEN BY THE LIGHT OF ANGELS ******************************************** To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link. Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
Wiccan Studies
Introduction to Wicca Basic Training
By Julie Lehmkuhl
First off, let me say a huge 'THANK YOU". This course was perfect for me as a stepping stone to discovering what Wicca is all about without any nonsense. I am really trying to get a basic understanding of what it is and why Christians are so opposed to it. It is truly a blessing to me to have it explained in such an easy to understand format. I have long had this uneasiness in me that the church I grew up with was lacking. Now I see where it took many of its ideas and transformed them into laws.
It has also been fascinating to understand the whys behind these old traditions. Seeing the Wiccan holidays as they were originally and seeing how modern Christianity has absorbed and transformed them has given me a much better perspective of them. I want to study them more.
Wicca is the old religion. Wicca has answered so many of my misgivings of late. It is a true earth religion and it's ok to practice alone. I don't have to seek permission of anyone to worship God in any way. I feel so much closer to the spirit I was born with in this religion.
This course has reinforced the belief that the earth is a sacred place in itself and by using its gifts we can make a positive impact on its future. The cleansing spells and rituals are designed to bring us back to that knowledge. The 'magic' taught is really the basis of modern medicine. By using the things found in nature chemical free to heal and cleanse our bodies, we are better, stronger people.
The mental cleansing is vital to allowing the physical cleansing to happen. Modern medicine has long been saying you can heal your body with your thoughts in many ways. 'A positive attitude goes a long way toward speedy recovery.' Isn't that what the spells help us achieve?
I am using the information I have learned through this course as a spring board to a deeper understanding of life itself.
Thank you again.
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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.
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Religious Philosophy
Religious Philosophy Final Essay
Phil Robinson
In any field of study it is important to understand some of the path which has led
that study to its current state. The ideas and concepts of religious philosophy as
an academic study have been around for as long as religious thought. Whether it
is defining what is and isn't classed as religion, how a particular religion should
be practised, or analysing elements of different religions, the concept of studying
and analysing religious thoughts has always been present. While the main drive
of religious philosophy through Europe by the Christians may have been during
the 18th century, examples of study outside of these conditions can be found
throughout history.
An early example of what we would recognise today as religious philosophy
might be "Euthyphro" which is an early dialogue of the Athenian philosopher
Plato (428-347 B.C.) . It contains a dialogue between the Ancient Greek
philosopher Socrates (369-399 B.C.) and a well know religious expert Euthyphro.
The discussion is an attempt to define the concept of piety and shows a very
serious early dedication to examining religion from a philosophical point of view.
In the East the exposure to religions unlike your own was far more common and
religious ideas were shared across them. Unlike in Europe in the 17th/18th
century the idea of adopting and embracing elements from different religions was
much more widespread. Without this attitude Buddhism may not have grown in
the same manner. It was, as it is today, versatile, adaptable and easy to fit in with
your own belief systems. In India, Buddhism grew out of Hinduism and was
distributed around the Eastern countries, such as China and Japan via the silk
road. The people of India, later reverted to Hinduism and Buddhism grew and
changed in its new surroundings.
Some early religions didn't just take influence and basic ideas from others but
integrated large pieces of dogma, orthodoxy, orthopraxy and in some cases
entire deities. A good example here would be Egypt in the Greco-Roman period
where the process was bi-directional. Romans were building Egyptian
monuments, Egyptian mummies were being painted and adored with Roman
images. Neither were prepared to abandon or fully integrate their religious ideas
or indeed any other elements of the society.
My point is this, that different religions have always studied each other and
compared and contrasted the results, yes it is true that some ethnocentric
religions have done this from a point of proving to themselves that they are the
correct set of beliefs but in the earlier development of religion and philosophy this
was also done to share and develop ideas.
This course introduced me to the works of Feuerbach who I had not been aware
of before. The concept of projection that derives from Feuerbach's "Essence of
Christianity" can be seen in many forms, not only as a creation of a god from the
mind of man (and here by man I mean a member of Mankind, male or female)
but also as a form of metaphysical manifestation.
As man creates ideas, concepts and thoughts within the private reality of his own
mind, he also projects and to an extent manifests these thoughts into the reality
of others. An inventor creates a new invention first of all in his mind only.
Likewise a preacher may project thought to his congregation.
I think that the projection Feuerbach was talking about is not only one within the
mind of individual men but also a projection into the global human knowledge
and a reality that is shared by all so if enough people think and believe
something is a particular way then to a certain extent it becomes true within the
frame of normal human existence and belief. In the words of The Buddha: "We
are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we
make the world."
The analysis of religion by breaking down separate components was a good
approach throughout. I enjoyed examining how they linked together like the
ingredients of a religion. For example "precepts and concepts" which are clearly
very different elements of religion but still have some degree of relationship
within their systems. A concept could translate into a precept if its importance is
such that it becomes a part of the orthopraxy and it is generally believed that it
should be practised by all.
For example, a respect for all sentient beings may be an existent concept that
eventually becomes used as a precept such as 'Thou shalt not kill'. Likewise that
same precept may transmit a concept of compassion to the many without
defining it specifically as such.
Classification of religion is just as difficult as it is to clearly define anything
complex into a particular set of properties but also maybe the very process of
creating categories is flawed, for example are all religions not dualist "and"
monist to some degree? If we look at the dualist concepts of "good and evil" and
"yin and yang" as examples we might see them as the following; Yin and Yang
are complements of each other rather than opposites and this may also apply to
good and evil. Is there really evil as a separate and distinct entity to good or is
evil only manifested by the absence or differing levels of good?
Christianity may be examined as a dualist religion on the basis that it sees both
good and evil yet it is monotheistic believing that all is the creation of one.
Likewise the yin or yang is one of two forces that mutually promote and restrict
each other to the level that when they are in balance they become one. The unity
and completeness of this one is the whole point of the yin yang philosophy, not
their separate and distinct properties or states. Monism and Dualism are both
apparent in most systems, there importance is elevated depending on the criteria
and level of analysis.
It was stated in the later parts of the course, when dealing with apocalyptic and
eschatological faiths, that there are also religions who completely ignore the "last
things" and deal solely with the life we are given. I believe that this may not be
"ignoring" but more examining things from a different scope. For example a man
may prepare for his death by preparing for the last days, not of the world, or of
the universe, but certainly of his world. If one believes that the world in which
they reside is contained entirely within themselves, such as in a projected reality
like that referred to by Feuerbach, does this apocalyptic nature of death not then
make the person eschatological.
The sections on the "god gene" and the studies that were referenced in this
course also interested me, the trouble with statistics is that you can make them
say almost anything you like. I read through a lot of studies relating to the brain's
responses to self transcendence and spirituality and all of them seem to be
First of all I'm not convinced that selected groups are the best to draw any
conclusions from. In the "Self-transcendence in Australian twins" research, were
the subjects told the nature of the experiment, it seems to indicate by omission
and the fact that there were no results where they "never" went to church, that all
subjects had some degree of religious activity.
Secondly the method for assessment of a person's degree of spirituality seems a
little suspect. They were asked true or false questions such as these:
● Often I have unexpected flashes of insight or understanding while
● I often feel a strong spiritual or emotional connection with all the people
around me.
● I often feel that I am a part of the spiritual force on which all life depends.
● I sometimes feel so connected to nature that everything seems to be part
of one living organism.
● I love the blooming of flowers in the spring as much as seeing an old
friend again.
Is this really the best way to asses the entire complex sphere of religious and
spiritual activity? Even if you narrow it down to self transcendence, can a couple
of heavily weighted and romantically worded, true or false questions give an
accurate picture of the experience of an enlightened being?
I also took a look at the study "The Serotonin System and Spiritual Experiences"
in the "American Journal of psychiatry", and it would indeed seem to suggest that
the serotonin system is shown to have an effect on an individual's predisposition
towards spiritual experiences and religiosity. As with the other studies; the twins
research, and the god gene, you have to ask "What is the relevance of a change
in brain chemistry upon the experiences of the subject?" They are no less real
through a scientific explanation.
There are many physiological and chemical changes when a person is exposed
to stress or threat. This stress response is a natural part of human evolution but
stress is not a psychological anomaly any more than spirituality is. Explaining the
natural responses within the human body and giving things a scientific label does
not demystify the metaphysical elements of those responses. In the same way
that continuous exposure to stressful situations can increase one's predisposition
to release adrenaline and become more alerted to stress, surely increased
exposure to spiritual experiences will increase the neural and chemical
responses of the brain. The brain is after all like any other organ, it just responds
according to its functional biology and nature.
There is always the notion that the mind is not necessarily 100% a child process
of the brain. Therefore changes in the brain chemistry may affect the mind but
not to the extent that the mind is altered beyond choice. This process is a two
way operation, that is the conditioning of the mind can also affect the brain
chemistry in the same manner. With continuous and deliberate practises,
whether religious in nature or not, affecting the levels and receptors of
monoamines such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Meditation and prayer
may both be examples of such practises.
The big questions asked of life are what link religion with philosophy, man has
always sought answers to these question, who am I?, why are we here?, What is
matter?, what is reality?. Religion may have started as an early attempt to
explain the unexplainable but it has certainly become more than that. When does
philosophy become religion and vice versa? Is it the presence of a god or is it
more the presence of faith? If it is faith then a atheist can be also be said to be
religious as it requires as much a leap of faith to categorically deny the existence
of a supreme being, with no proof, as it does to declare the existence. This leads
to a questioning of existence itself.
How does something exist? Is there a difference between existence and reality?
Or is it true to say that simply be existing something is part of reality? What if the
item in question is not a physical object but a concept, thoughts exist but have
little physical presence other than electrical impulses, how about mathematics?
Nobody could deny the existence of mathematics yet it is purely conceptual, it
has no presence outside of the mind of those who understand it conceptually. If
we then look at the big question, "Does god exist?" then we might see that he
exists in the thoughts, beliefs, and prayers of those who have a relationship with
god. God certainly exists in the churches and communities that derive strength
from their faith. Whether you "believe" or think that there is some form of deity or
spiritual being become irrelevant. God is part of reality through his existence in
the hearts and minds of man.
In summary the course has extended not only my understanding but also led my
study into many different and enjoyable tangents, I took my time to complete the
course but enjoyed some extended research as a natural and logical progression
from the main study. The material presented was done so in a way that raised as
many questions as it answered and left me eager to further this line of study.
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